Women’s health and diseases differ from those of men, due to their unique biological, social, and behavioural conditions. Starting from menarche up to menopause, a woman undergoes various physiological and psychological changes throughout her life. Menarche is considered as the central event of female puberty as it signals the possibility of having offspring whereas menopause marks the end of fertility. In between these two events, a woman experiences the most beautiful phase of her life, her reproductive period. It is really important to take care of her health during each phase and both ahara (diet) and oushada (medicine) play a major role in maintaining her health.
Ayurveda, the eternal science, points out some important medicinal herbs that may help a woman to maintain her physical, mental, and hormonal health throughout her life. Our Acharyas have classified the lifespan of a human into three stages. They are Baalyam (Childhood + Adolescent), Youvanam (Middle age) and Jara/Vrdhha (Old age). During each stage the dosha predominance is varied and the selection of dravya (both ahara and oushadha) also varies accordingly. The article explains about such dravyas and its details.
“Adolescence is just one big walking pimple”
The word adolescence came from the Latin word adolescere means to mature. This is a transitional stage of physical and psychological developments and considered as the meeting point of childhood and adulthood. During this period, the kapha dosha will be predominant along with pitta. Former will help to maintain dhathu sthiratha (development and nourishment) and later will manage the psychological and hormonal balance.
- Tilam
Sesamum indicum Linn
Sesame seed is the oldest oilseed crop known to humanity. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, B, and E. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.
Madhura rasa and vipaka along with ushna veerya and snigdha guna, tila will help to maintain the dhathu excellence and proper nourishment to the body.
- Sesame balls can be used as evening snacks.
- Drinking sesame oil every day as a routine will nourish skin, hair, and bone. It is indicated especially during the menstrual period to relieve the abdominal cramps.
Please take care to preheat the sesame seeds before internal use because the anti-nutrient component like phytic acid will become inactivated and thus the easy absorption of minerals will take place.
- Amalaki
Phyllanthus emblica Linn
The word Amalaki in Sanskrit implies, the one which promotes the body. It is also known as Amritha phala, the fruit with rejuvenating action. The biomolecules include emblicannin-A&B, gallic acid, ellagic acid etc. Amla pradhaana lavana varjitha pancha rasa of Amalaki will nourish the body, laghu-sara guna will support the easy digestion and gut health, seetha virya will calm the mind and madhura vipaka eventually does the rasayana action. Amalaki can be included both as an ahara dravya and oushada.
“Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay”
Middle age is the period of age beyond young adulthood but before the onset of old age. This phase of life is marked by gradual physical, cognitive, and social changes in the individual as they age. Pitta dosha will be predominant along with the vata association.
- Sathavari
Asparagus racemosus Willd
Shatavari is a well-known rejuvenating herb indicated exclusively for women’s health in Ayurvedic classics which supports general health and vitality.Several medicinal preparations indicated in various gynecological disorders are available using shatavari as a major ingredient. Madhura in rasa, seetha in veerya and rasayana in karma, Shatavari helps to calm the mind and rejuvenate the body. Recent researches had shown its action as a good phytoestrogen and saponins are considered as the major biomolecule which imparts the pharmacological effects.
- Jeeraka
Cuminum cyminum Linn
Jeeraka is considered as a uterine tonic. Throughout the classics, it has been recorded as a garbhashaya shodaka dravya. Along with this property, it has shown karma like Medhya, Sangrahi, Deepana, Vrishya etc. Considering the disease prevalence in a middle-aged woman, including jeeraka in the diet as well as a rasayana will definitely be beneficial to maintain the uterine health and hormonal balance.
“One advantage to being 102, there is no peer pressure”
Old age refers to ages nearing or surpassing the life expectancy of human beings and is thus the end of the human life cycle. There will be marked degenerations in the body and the basic mark of old age that affects both body and mind is “slowness of behavior”. Especially in females when menopausal phase arrives, they experience functional deterioration of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis resulting in hormonal imbalance, and a variety of symptoms known as menopausal discomforts which impact their quality of life. Falling estrogen levels and hormonal imbalance have been primarily identified as the reason for menopausal discomforts. These physiological and hormonal changes affect the quality of life, even with a devastating impact on their mental health. Vata is the predominant dosha and its derangements will cause diseases and weakness.
- Bala
Sida cordifolia Linn
Bala is nothing which imparts bala to both mind and body. An excellent herb of choice for old aged people both as a shamana dravya and rasayana dravya. Vata vyadhi management is incomplete without the apt usuage of Bala. The active constituents are ephedrine, choline, vasiscinone, vasicine etc. The herb is vatahara in action due to its madhura rasa, snigdha guna and madhura vipaka. Other karma exhibited by the herb is balya, grahi, vrishya, ojo vardhaka, ayu vardhaka, brhmana, sothahara, rasayana and hrdya.
- Methika
Trigonella foenum-graecum L
Medhika is an important herb that has action in the female reproductive system especially during the menopausal stage. It is documented as an ingredient of many formulations used in Yoni roga. The herb is vatakaphahara in nature, laghu-snigdha guna and ushna veerya supports the digestive system and maintains the normal basal metabolic rate. It helps in maintaining health in somatic, psychological, and urogenital systems. The major chemical constituents include protodioscin, dietary fiber, trignelline etc.
Common herbs that can be used in the women health problems
- Haridra, Curcuma longa Linn- Varnya, Twachya( good for skin), Vishaghna
- Saariva, Hemidesmus indicus R.Br – Tridoshanashaka, Raktapradara nashaka(menorrhagia related problems)
- Sunishannaka- Marsilea quadrifolia – Tridosha shamaka, Raktha pradara naashaka, Pathya
- Asthisamharaka – Cissus quadrangularis – Useful in bone degenerative conditions
- Canthium coromandelicum- Known as Kaara in Malayalam, useful as a leafy vegetable for dhathu pushti
- Azima tetracantha – Yashangu in Malayalamused as a leafy vegetable
- Thaala sarkara- most indicated source of sarkara in case of female disease management.