Dr Niya Randeep

(BAMS, MD [Ayu]) Dravyagunavijnana, Scientist, Akay Natural Ingredients Private Limited, Kochi

Women’s health and diseases differ from those of men, due to their unique biological, social, and behavioural conditions. Starting from menarche up to menopause, a woman undergoes various physiological and psychological changes throughout her life. Menarche is considered as the central event of female puberty as it signals the possibility of having offspring whereas menopause marks the end of fertility. In between these two events, a woman experiences the most beautiful phase of her life, her reproductive period. It is really important to take care of her health during each phase and both ahara (diet) and oushada (medicine) play a…

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Children are considered as the crucial part of the society and their health is the foundation of all growth and development. The term “health” includes more than the physical growth. It covers their cognitive development, social and emotional growth and mental health. All these developments start right from the gestation period; from the very first day of fertilization. Diet and regimens of a pregnant woman has an inevitable role in determining the health of a progeny. This may be reason why Acharyas gave prime\ importance to Garbhini paricharya (Regimes should be followed during gestation). The growth and development of the…

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Practicing herbs as the natural remedies for the disease management and its prevention is dated back to the ancient period. Diverse arrays of healing systems are grown up in the grounds of such practices around the globe. Among them, Ayurveda, the indigenous medical system of India places an important role in maintaining the health and prevention of diseases. Our ancestors keenly observed the nature and they turned this observational knowledge into a perceptional level. A plant grows on rocks by breaking the stones using its roots may helpful in removing the urinary stones formed inside the body. This insight made…

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