Thyroid gland is an endocrine gland situated in the lower part of the front and the sides of the neck. Thyroid gland consists of numerous thyroid follicular cells which secrete triiodothyronine T3 and tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine) T4. In between follicular cells, the parafollicular cells are present which secrete calcitonin.
Functions of Thyroid hormones
- Essential for normal growth and development of body
- Maintains lung volume and breathing capacity
- Stimulates basal metabolic rate (BMR), oxygen consumption and heat production
- Regulates nervous system activity
- T3 maintains normal heart muscle contraction
- Regulates normal skeletal muscle function
- Helps in controlling normal bowel movements
- Regulates skin circulation and secretion of glands in skin
- Stimulates absorption of glucose from intestine
- Increase the synthesis of proteins in cells
- Decreases fat storage by converting it into free fatty acid
- Thyroid hormone regulates sleep pattern
- Helps in normal sexual development and reproductive function
Any deficit in the stage of synthesis, secretion or transport of thyroid hormones will result in thyroid disorders which are classified as hyperthyroidism (overproduction) and hypothyroidism (decreased production).
Ayurvedic View
In Ayurvedic classics, there is no direct correlation given for thyroid disorders. So, in the treatment aspect, it should be approached based on dosha predominance, prakrithi (body constitution) etc.
In hyperthyroidism, there is higher metabolism than normal and its related complications. This can be the result of increased digestive fire (agni) responsible for conversion of energy from one form to other (be it on food level or tissue level). The dosha concept involved in this condition can be considered as increased vata and pitta and subsequent decrease of kapha. While in hypothyroidism, the symptoms shown are related to a very slow metabolic rate. The digestive fire- both jatharagni (gut fire) and dhathwagni (at tissue level) is very much diminished causing delay in tissue level conversions. There is an increase of kapha and vata and decrease in the quality of pitta.
Role of Rasaushadhi
Rasachikitsa is a specialized branch of Ayurveda dealing mainly with materials known as rasa dravyas. Rasa oushadhies refer to Herbo-mineral or metal or mineral formulations used for therapeutic purposes. The minuteness (sookshma bhava) attained by various processing techniques makes the rasoushadhies as instant effective, useful in very small doses and highly therapeutically useful. These specialties make the drug action more even up to cellular level.
- Rasa Medicines in Hyperthyroidism
The medications used in hyperthyroidism should be vata pitta alleviating, balancing kapha, balya (strengthening tissues), rejuvenating (rasayana) and boosting mental functions (medhya). The following rasa dravyas can be used
- Intake of bhasmas like abhrak bhasma(mica) in association with ghritas like kalyanaka ghrita, saraswatha ghrita etc. helps to promote tissue health
- Pravala bhasma/ sankha bhasma with honey/ suitable adjuvants like vidaryadi ghrita, vidaryadi kashayam etc. helps in balancing calcium depletion in bones.
- Herbo mineral formulations like pravala panchamrutha rasa, kamadugha rasa etc. can be used according to condition along with suitable anupanas.
- Kupipakwa rasayana preparations like makaradhwaja, siddha makardhwaj, rasasindura can be used by considering dose, specific adjuvants (only under expert medical advice)
- Use of swarna bhasma(gold) as single or combinations with other bhasmas for the prescribed period helps in boosting higher mental functions and immunity.
- Rasadrugs in Hypothyroidism
The line of treatment should be increasing the digestive fire (agni deepana), improving the quality of pitta, vata kapha alleviating, cleansing the blocked channels which are hindering the normal hormonal action and promoting circulation (raktha prasadana). The following drugs can be used.
- Intake of bhasmas like mandura bhasma, loha bhasma(iron), kasisa bhasma along with suitable adjuvants to boost circulation and agni.
- Ayaskriti / lohasavam can be used in combination with choornas like shaddharana choornam/ hinguvachadi choornam which increase metabolic rate and circulation.
- Silajathu prayoga in proper doses
- Herbo mineral formulations like arogyavardhini vati in combination with amahara kasayas can be used.
- Proper administration of kupipakwa rasayana can be adopted for regaining tissue strength.
Other forms of medicaments like rasayanas and suitable panchakarma procedures can be adopted along with rasa drug intake.
Due to high potency and dose specificity of rasa drugs, they should be used only under expert medical advice for the specified period. Improper usage of rasa drugs (like overdose, long term usage, without following diet restrictions etc.) may cause adverse drug effects.