Food is a vital factor for life sustenance and role of food in health maintenance is
Unquestionable. But the emerging question is whether people now a day choosing right diet to fulfill their nutritional needs? Now a day food plate is loaded with lots of food article but nutrient present in them may not be sufficient to fulfill the daily nutritional requirement
Adequate nutrition is a key factor for overall health and wellbeing. To meet the nutritional requirement of the body it is essential to consume balanced diet. A balanced diet should contain all the macro and micronutrients required for the body to remain healthy and to build immunity.
Healthy planned diet should contain Carbohydrates, Protein, fat, fluid, vitamins, and minerals in it. Selection of right food containing all the nutritional requisites however a tough find. We can find better solution for this in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda Acharyas have mentioned about Nityasevaneeya Ahara which means daily consumable wholesome food articles.
Following things are considered as daily consumables.
Shashtika Shali (Rice harvested in 60 days)
Mudga (Green gram)
Saindava Lavana (Rock salt)
Amalaki (Indian goose berry)
Yava (barley)
Water (rainwater)
Animal meat
How this Ayurvedic diet plan is ideal one?
If we go through this diet plan, we can say it is fulfilling all nutritional demands.
Shashtika Shali: one of the oldest Indian native rice variety was consumed by our ancestors. It is good source of carbohydrate and contributes significant quantity of protein, minerals and B group vitamins like Thiamin, Riboflavin and Niacin.
Mudga (Green Gram): Green gram is widely used in Indian cuisine which is one of the richest sources of plant-based protein. It is imbued with essential amino acids and noteworthy point is essential amino acids are not produced in the body, hence should be supplemented through diet. It also contains profuse amount of essential nutrients like Iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, Phosphorus, Zinc and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6.
Saindava Lavana (Rock Salt): Saindhava is considered as best among all salts in Ayurveda and it provides all the essential trace minerals and greatly improves the body’s immune system.
Amalaki: Amla is one of the best and most concentrated sources of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is better than citruses which are rich source of Vitamin C and contains 20 times more vitamin C than oranges.
Yava (Barley): Apart from Carbohydrates, Barley is also a rich source of B vitamins, including niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). It also contains beta-glucans, a type of fiber of which research demonstrated various health benefits.
Water: Water is essential for life and lack of water intake, results in dehydration. That can be dangerous and even fatal. Water is an excellent source of hydration and may contain numerous minerals including fluoride, iron, potassium, or sodium.
Milk: Cow’s milk is a fine blend of all nutrients which body requires. It is known for its calcium content, but it has much more to offer like protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, and minerals.
Honey: Honey is a source of natural sugar and it even contains B vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, zinc, and nutritional value depends on the region and nectar‐producing plants .Though honey is said to be daily consumable but Ayurveda has a rule for usage of honey i.e. honey neither should be heated nor should be added in hot substances
Ghee: Ghee has been used by our ancestors from centuries in Indian main dish recipes. Ghee contains up to 62% of healthy saturated fats, and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K. and it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. This dairy staple now a day’s gaining popularity as a modern super food.
Jangala Mamsa (Meat): In Ayurvedic Perspective goat meat is the best among all. From Nutritional point of view, meat ranks among one of the richest sources of Protein. Even essential fatty acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 and nicotinic acids also make a part of it.
The concept of Nitya Sevaniya Dravyas mentioned in Ayurveda is a clear-cut guide which denotes the importance of nutrition in day today life. If these foods consumed in proper manner in proper quantity, it would act like planned balanced diet.
In a nutshell if above mentioned nutritive foods are incorporated in our daily food routine, then we can prevent nutritional deprivement and forthcoming diseases caused by it.
I am a diabetic individual. Till now I was thinking only medicine can maintain my sugar in check. But other important factors I was neglecting. This article shed a light on importance of life style modification and even proper monitoring Sugar levels.
Thank you Ancient Ayurveda team for spreading awareness.