As we all know, Ayurveda is the science of life. It not only helps us to cure diseases, but also prevents us from getting any diseases. So, what will happen if you get any disease? The first answer that comes to our mind is naturally – CHIKITSA or TREATMENT. There are many types of treatment methods mentioned by different Acharyas, like Santarpana & Apatarpana, Shodhana & Shamana etc. One such type of treatment methods mentioned in Charaka Samhita is DAIVAYAPASRAYA or Divine therapy, YUKTHIVYAPASRAYA or Rational Therapy and SATWAVAJAYA or Psychotherapy. In this article I have tried to explain the importance of DAIVAYAPASRAYA CHIKITSA.
Daivayapasraya means that which is depending on adrushta or which cannot be observed. From this explanation it can be inferred that diseases which are caused by the divine power could be treated using Daivayapasraya chikitsa. In our Shastra it has been said that – Poorvajanma krutam paapam vyaadhi roopena jayate. That means some of the diseases are caused by the paapa karma /bad deeds we did in our previous janma / birth. Even in this 21st century this holds a stand. In modern medicine, so many diseases are of IDIOPATIC origin, that means the cause of the diseases is still unknown, like idiopathic infertility, idiopathic fever, etc… Such types of diseases can be treated only by Daivayapasraya Chikitsa. In our Shastra also we have many examples of diseases that are caused by poorva janma karma phala like Rajayakshama, kushtam etc.
Daivayapasraya chikitsa can be further categorised as the following – Mantra, Oushadhi, Mani, Mangala, Bali, Upahara, Homa, Niyama, Prayaschita, Upavasa, Swasthyayana, Dana, Gamana etc.
Importance of Mantras have been described in many places, like in the case of Vishama jwara, Vishnu SahasraNama has been advised. Similarly at the time of Prasava, chanting of mantras has been mentioned. Also, at the time of Jata karma, chanting of mantra at the right ear has been mentioned for a long and happy life of the baby. Charakacharya has also mentioned Mantra as the 1st treatment in 24 upakramas of visha chikitasa. Swastyayana also comes under chanting auspicious mantras.
Oushadhi and Mani dharana are still practiced in our Country. Some of them will wear Rudraksha which helps them to reduce stress or depression. Similarly at the time of Seemantam (7th month function of Pregnant ladies) an amulet made with medicines is tied on the arms of pregnant mothers to prevent any catch of infection as pregnant ladies are very low in immunity. Also, it has been noted that each raashi or zodiac sign has specific mani which can be worn by them. The commonest example for mani dharana is wearing of navaratnas to protect one from the evil effects of the Navagrahas.
Mangala means doing good deeds. One such mangala karma is mentioned before drinking Vamana Dravya. Similarly, it is also mentioned during the namakarna samskara of the kumaras.
Bali means sacrifice that is presented to God. There is a general belief that Bali karma includes the sacrifice which is done with animals only (like goat or hen), but in Ayurveda, even medicated Plants are used for Bali karma. This type of treatment is seen in the case of Graha rogas.
Upahara means gift. It means offering unconditionally to God with things like deepa, dhoopa, phala, tandula etc. Tulabhram is one such type of pooja. In this pooja, a big balance is made, and the person offering is made to sit on one side and an item of equal or more weight is placed on the other side. This item is then offered to the deity. The items commonly used for tulabharam are lotus flowers, Tulasi leaves, Gudam, ‘Kadali’ variety of Banana etc.
Homam comes synonymous with Yagya, which means offering ghee and other medicated drugs to fire. The most famous reference of homa is the Putrakameshti Yagya mentioned in Ramayana. In our daily practice Ganapati Homa is done before doing any auspicious karma like Gruhapravesha, Starting a new business etc. This is also mentioned before the beginning of Adyapana Vidhi. Ayurveda, homa is mentioned in the treatment of Abhishapa and Abhichara Jwara. In Janapadhodwamsa also Doopana karma is mentioned. Homa can be considered as a Doopana karma which covers a larger area. Through Homa, the air around us is purified naturally which helps us to cure or prevents us from getting diseases.
Niyama or vow means practising healthy habits and religious observance. Niyama is one of the 8 parts told in Yoga (Yama, Niyama, Prana, Pratyahara, Dyana, Dharana and Samadhi). Niyama is also mentioned in Vranaraksha Vidhana like shoucham, laghu ahara etc. Sadvrutta explained in Ayurveda can also be considered as a type of Niyama, because it helps us in preventing diseases by following a code of conduct in our lives.
Prayaschitta means penance. It is the atonement of Sins by indulging in Spiritual duties or worships which will wash off the sins or paapa karma of both present life and past life. Reference of Prayaschitta is explained in Agantuja unmada also.
Upavasa or fasting is the most common type of Daivayapasraya Chikitsa practised among all of us. This is explained as one of Shamana therapies (Pachana, Dipana, Kshut/ upavasa, trit, Vyayama, Aatapa, Maaruta). Even though the word meaning of Upavasa is to be in proximity to God, only a person with great control over the mind will be able to do Upavasa. Upavasa / Langhana is mentioned as the 1st line of treatment in case of Jwara. Similarly, it is also mentioned in Aama Pachana, Adhyashana etc. There is also a common practice of observing Upavasa during every Ekadashi, which helps our body to slow down occasionally and thus helps in Agni deepanam.
Dana means donation. As a Prayaschitta to the Paapa karma done in Poorva Janma or this janma, Daanadharma can be done. In Ayurveda, the Daana for some of specific diseases are told like – Godhana, Swarna daana for Pandu and Kushta, Lavana Daana for Prameha and Ashmari, Gruta daana for netra roga etc.
Gamana or Yatra Gamana means going on a Pilgrimage And thus cleansing both mind and body equally.
The Daivayapasraya Chikitsa is a faith therapy that works not only in case of Manasika rogas, but also in sareerika rogas. Among trividha chikitsa, this has been mentioned 1st because it is Aashukaari (easily effective) in nature. Since this type of treatment works by Daivaprabhava, believing is more important than reasoning. Ignorantly many are following Daivayapasraya Chikitsa in name of spirituality and hence no one is knowing how this type of treatment is helping them. Being an Ayurvedic doctor we can educate people about the importance of common practices in Daivayapasraya chikitsa and ask them to follow our age-old practices. After all, the main aim of Ayurveda is also Swastasya Swastya Rakshanam.