Ayurveda is a science of medicine which deals with curing the illness and preventing the diseases with dinacharya, ritucharya and sadvritta. The most important thing in relation to health and disease is immunity of the body, which can be enriched through proper diet and exercise. Many people are prone to disease due to improper dietary habits (Aharaja), lifestyle (viharaja ) and change in climate (kalaja). Hence the role of vyadhikshamatva (immunity) in Ayurveda gains importance in new era.
Ojas undergo decrease by factors like anger, hunger & worry. With such causes, person may become debilitated and develop bad complextion, dullness of sense organs etc which can be noticed in their physical appearance. The mantra to eradicate any health issue is to “eat healthy”. According to Ayurveda, it is best to eat according to body type (prakruti) and kala (seasonal conditions). Inorder to create mind-body balance and to increase immune system it is always recommended to take ayurvedic supplements which are provided by nature.
Also, rasayana therapy acts as immunomodulators. We see our grandparents still healthy, and the secret to same is with their dietery habits, like consuming an amla (Emblica officinalis) daily, having a fresh walk through their paddy fields, basking under sunlight every morning with a cup of ginger tea, and all these daily regimens contribute to their healthy living. They never rush to a hospital for a cough or fever, instead use turmeric milk (curcumin with its anti-microbial & anti-inflammatory actions) and sprinkling magic of Ayurveda in food they eat. We, Indians with a habit of adding spices in daily diet also play a role in developing Immunity, such as black pepper with its anti-inflammatory effect, cinnamon with anti-oxidants, garlic with allicin which fightsn infections and support the immune system. Even the curry leaves (murraya koenigii) we add finally at the end of food prepration have its richness in anti-oxidants and calcium, iron and phosphorus.
According to Ayurveda, undigested food acts as toxins deposited in the body which is to be eliminated properly or else can contribute to sickness. Toxins stored within the body act as breeding grounds for parasites and cause illness and infection, finally weakening the immune system. Here shodhana(detoxification) acts as a vaccum cleaner to throw out bodily garbages.
According to ayuveda, vyayama (exercise) like walking, swimming, helps the body to recover from sedentary positions thereby making it more active to surroundings. It also help to charge the body cells as how a dried plant become live in presence of proper light and water. Even our new generations prefer to spend childhood vacations sitting infront of computer tables instead of playing in ground and fields, contributing to poor mental and physical health. Even interaction with peer group makes them happy mentally which can contribute to increase in ojas.
Acharyas explained in detail about waking up from bed to daily basic hygienic activities like brushing, bathing along with its benefits and role in daily life to keep a person energetic and lively. Even a warm water bath can calm down the body cells and help in rejuvenation . Epsom salts and adding up of essential oils like rosemary, cedar ,basil ,neem can boost immunity to great levels. Ayurveda also explain about the medicinal properties of twigs to be selected while brushing and oil for massaging body and powder for bathing purpose. Each and every minute objects they used have the healing propery of nature which contributed to enhance immunity and health.
It is told that “sleep is the best meditation one can ever have”, yes, it is very important to have a good sleep to improve immunity as during sleep immune system releases proteins called cytokines. Ayurveda recommends to have atleast 8 hours of sleep so that immune cells can regenerate properly. Lack of sleep can cause diseases like depression, diabetes, heart problems etc.
We ourself is surrounded by a mother nature who cure us with her healing hands. So lets stick to nature along with the habit of protecting & nourishing her for our next generation…..