Depression- is not a new word anymore for any of us, right? From teenagers to youths to adults to elders- all of us are well acquainted with this word now, all thanks to 2020. This year has brought many things into the limelight and Depression for sure is one of them.
When we think of depression, all negative emotions start circulating in our mind- Be it stress, anger, anxiety, panic attacks, insecurities, loneliness, hopelessness- just to name a few. All of these are mental attributes of Depression but just so you know, depression isn’t just a mental condition; it can affect your physical wellness too. Yes, you heard me right.
It can disturb your sleep patterns and can lead to insomnia, restless sleep, excessive sleepiness and even lead to suicidal tendency.
It can make you feel physically tired (fatigue) all the time, could lead to unexplained headache and body ache as well.
And it could even affect your libido badly- could cause a lack of interest for both- men & women, Erectile dysfunction in males, etc.
Not only adults & elders but depression could even affect kids- yes that’s true. Considering our current lifestyle- busy & stressed- more or less affects the mental & physical health of humans of all ages. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
Common causes of depression are:
• Grief or loss
• Poor nutrition
• Side effects of certain medicines
• Due to intake of drugs
• Stress
• Family History
• Hormonal imbalances
But here comes the best part- HEALING. You can heal yourself from depression & from all the symptoms it brings along. Few things that can help you fight depression are:
• Therapies
• Thinking positive
• Spending time with the people who care for you & whom you love
• Talking about it with a friend or someone close to you
• Journaling
• Deep breathing
• Ayurvedic medicines
• Yoga
Yoga is the easiest way to get rid of all negative emotions, toxic thoughts, fear, insecurities, stress, fatigue, digestive issues, sleep disorders & everything depression brings along.
According to Ayurveda, depression is a sign of imbalance in the body-mind Constitution (prakruti) of a person, which also interferes with the quality of prana (life-force). Prana is responsible for enthusiasm, happiness, and peace. Regular practice of yoga and meditation helps improve the prana, thereby removing the symptoms of depression. In fact, several scientific studies have found yoga to have healing effects on people with depression.
According to one such study carried out by the Harvard Mental Health Letter, Yoga can:
• Reduce the impact of stress
• Help with anxiety & depression
• Be a self-soothing technique similar to meditation, relaxation & exercise
• And also Improves energy
Few Yoga postures that helps manage depression are:
1. Balasana (Child’s Pose)
• It’s deeply relaxing.
• Calms the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)
• Energizes and rejuvenates the body
• Increases blood circulation to the brain & helps improve your mood.
• It also helps relieve headache, insomnia, and fatigue.
3. Halasana (Plow Pose)
• Calms the nervous system.
• Stimulates the thyroid gland which inturn helps improve your mood and energy levels.
4. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)
• Calms the overthinking mind
• Opens up the lungs and reduces thyroid problems, which causes mood swings and depression
5. Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Most favourite yoga posture of all.
• It imparts deep and meditative rest, releasing stress, a major cause of depression.
• Also helps reduce Vata Dosha – imbalance in the air element, which can cause you to feel depressed and anxious.
• And helps you feel refreshed & rejuvenated.
Along with these yoga postures, there are 2 pranayamas that are effective in making us feel relaxed, reduce stress & anxiety.
1. Anuloma-Viloma Pranayam (Nadi shodhana pranayam)
• It helps balance all three doshas- Vata, pitta & kapha.
• Beings patience, focus and control.
• Relieving stress and anxiety.
• Improves overall wellbeing.
2. Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breathing Exercise)
• Helps calm agitated mind
• It lowers one’s blood pressure, thus relieving hypertension.
• It releases cerebral tension.
• It soothes the nerves
• Builds confidence
• It dissipates anger
• It is the best cure for stress.
Practicing anuloma-viloma & bhramri pranayam for 30 mins in morning and just 21 times before you go to bed everyday can help you feel so much positive, relaxed, and happier & stress free in just 2-3 weeks.
Here’s sharing a Spiritual Perspective on Depression by Dr. Deepak Chopra:
Depression is an opportunity—a chance to face your darkest thoughts and feelings with understanding and openness. It is a chance to nurture and heal yourself. Spiritually, transforming depression involves facing one’s own depths and coming to terms with choices, disappointments, fears, traumas, and more. Each case of depression is unique, but the common answer to all of them is your own love. If you are willing to open your heart to your own pain and make compassionate space for it, you are on your way to healing.
If you suffer from depression, take the wildest self-affirming action possible and fully commit to being here—on the planet and in your body. Wishing to leave is distracting and essentially delays healing. Have compassion for your soul for choosing a challenging life. Honor your soul’s wisdom by vowing to walk your unique path, even if it’s hard—even with depression.
Depression is your teacher. Trying to understand it will teach you about yourself and the world. Cultivating happiness is a practice. Every day requires maintenance. Try not to doubt your journey. Integrate your prior choices and values into your current sense of self. This will help you feel cohesive and strong. Feeling empowered now makes it easier to create a future that includes a heart at peace. The road is inward and may be long, but a heart at peace in a balanced body will surely find its way