SHISHIRA RITHU (Extreme Winter) is seen from mid-January to mid-March. In this season, due to cold atmosphere, the body heat is blocked causing increase in Jatharagni. To reduce this excessive Jatharagni, foods having Madhura, Amla, Lavana Rasas are preferred. Also, Shishira Rithu comes under ADANA KALA [Period of Extraction]. This causes exhaustion of body, since our body’s strength is extracted day by day. During Adana Kala, the Tikshna, Ushna and Rooksha Guna of Sun and Vayu also increases causing the increase in Rookshatwa of the body. Thus, it advised to take Ahara which are Snigdha and Ushna in nature. According to Ashtanga Hrudaya, this is the season when Kapha is in its Sanchayavastha. This explains why most of the diseases of Kaphaja origin are seen during this season.
Some of the Common Diseases found in Shishira Rithu are Pratishyayam (common cold), Tundikeri (Tonsillitis), Karna Shoola & Srava (ear infection). In this list we can also include the diseases that aggrevates during this season. 2 such diseases are Vata Vyadhis and Kushtam.
Pratishyayam (Common Cold):
Excessive exposure of Avasyaya [cold air], Anila [breeze], Raja [dust or smoke] are considered as some of the Nidana causing Pratishyaya according to Ashtanga Hrudaya. All these are seen in Shishira Rithu also. So this Nidana cause severe Vata Prakopa and in turn aggrevates other Doshas. The most common type of Pratishyaya seen is the Kaphaja Pratishyaya. The symptoms of Kaphaja Pratishyaya according to Ashtanga Hrudaya are – Kasa, Aruchi, Swasa, Vamathu, Gatra Gaurava etc. to which the treatment mentioned are Langhana, Shirolepa with Gaura Sarshapa, Vamana after Snehapana and then Nasya.
Tundikeri (Tonsillitis):
Tundikeri is mentioned in Mukha Rogas by Vaghbhata in Ashtanga Hrudaya. Even though he didn’t specifically mention the Nidana of Tundikeri, it is mentioned under Nidana of Mukha Rogas. Excessive intake of Ahara Dravyas like Matsya, Mahisha Mamsa, Varaha Mamsa etc. and incorrect method of administration of therapies like Dhoomapana, Vamana Karma, Gandusha, Siravyadha etc. are considered as its Nidana. Tundikeri is believed to be a big, hard swelling which resembles like fruit of VANAKARPASA situated in the base of Hanusandhi [temporomandibular joint], symptoms of which are mild pain and swelling. Treatment mentioned for Tundikeri is Nasya, Gandusha and Dhoopana.
Putikarna (Ear Infections):
This is explained in Karna Rogas of Uttara Sthana in Ashtanga Hrudaya. It is told that Putikarna is caused when Kapha Dosha gets putrified by vitiated Pitta Dosha causing formation of thick pus in excess associated with or without any pain. The treatment mentioned is Dhoomapana, Gandusha and Nasya.
There are 80 Vata Vikaras told in our classics. The cold climate of Shishira Rithu can act as a trigger to all these Vata Vikaras. The Vata Prakopa Lakshana told in Ashtanga Hrudaya is as follows- Karshaya (emaciation), Karshsnyam (Blackish discoloration), Ushna Kamitwam (heat desire), Kampa (tremor), Anaha (abdominal distension), Shakrut Graham (constipation), Bala, Nidra and Indriya Bhramsha (loss of strength, sleep and cognition of sense organs), Pralapa (incoherent speech), Bhrama (giddiness). Treatment regimens to be followed for such diseases are Snehana, Swedana, Mrudu Samshodhanam as Vihara and taking foods that are Swadu, Amla, Lavana and Ushna in nature are useful.
It has been noted that, during winters, some of the skin diseases are seen more profoundly. The main cause of this is the Tiksha, Ushna and Rooksha Guna of Adana Kala. Treatment for these skin diseases are Snehapana and then Vamana, which helps to reduce the Rookshatwa of the body and also acts as Kaphahara.
In modern medicine, apart from these diseases, depression is also told as a major effect of extreme winter. The main cause they are telling is lack of exposure to sunlight and thus not getting enough of Vitamin D. This can be correlated to Kaphaja Unmada, where all these symptoms are seen.
Apart from the specific treatment, preventive aspect has also been told as a part of Rithucharya. Abhyangam along with Murdhni taila application and Vimardana with oils made from Vatahara Dravyas are to be used. Then mild exercise should be done. During bathing, drugs made of Kashaya Rasa should be used to remove the oil from the body. Then a paste of saffron and musk must be anointed throughout the body. Food items that can be taken during this time are as follows- meat soup with ghee, beverages prepared with molasses and rice flour, dishes made from wheat, rice flour, black gram, sugarcane juice, gingelly oil etc. can be used. Covering oneself with thick items can prevent oneself from being attacked by cold.