The first thing I would like to suggest you is – “Do not follow the Crowd.” Know your body and decide what is needed for it with the advice of an expert. This is especially applicable for people who go to the gym without thinking. The craze of bodybuilding is driving everyone crazy to take gym packages and drink protein shakes. The main purpose of writing this article is to know at what extent bodybuilding or gym is needed. Here I am presenting facts related to exercise to build a good body. What makes a good body? Is it decided by 6 packs or 8 packs? Or from her structure in women? Or from a normal BMI?
The main objective of any Vaidya is to have all the Dhatu in a person’s body in equal proportions. Thus, balancing dosha, dhatu and mala is more important than the anatomical structures of the body. The person himself should be healthy with soul-mind and senses. No matter how much physical well-being is there, it doesn’t matter if you have no mental health. Therefore, exercise should be the one that improves every aspect of your health.
If you want to see how much exercise a person should do individually; First of all, one should look at the Satva or physical and mental strength of a person. Exercise alone doesn’t makes a person strong, diet and lifestyle is also important. Both diet and exercise should be decided according to prakruti by a reputed vaidya, then only they can maintain a healthy body.
It often happens that a person looks very thin but has a lot of strength and even a person who is overweight cannot work at all. Satva and Prakruti determine the strength of a person. It is important to remember that no changes, by any means can be done in Prakruti which is created at the time of your birth, and for this reason, I am mentioning some major things related to body building according to prakruti. People of Kapha Prakruti are with smooth and plump bodies and well-tied joints. They are also physically and mentally powerful and strong. Individuals of Pitta Prakruti are dry and have a soft body. Their strength is moderate. The Body of Vata Prakruti people are rough and scanty, their body is not plumpy and they have less strength.
According to Ayurveda, bodybuilding means having a compounding and cohesive body. Three main things included in a perfect body are:-
1. A uniformly well-divided bone.
2. Well-bound joints
3. Equal proportions of Mamsa (Muscles) and Shonit (blood)
The physical and mental strength of a person can also be determined from the Sara=Essence of the Dhatus, that includes the essence of Tvacha, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra, and Satva. This indicates how much progress a person can make in his life. In addition, there is VyayamShakti or the KarmaShakti – it is determined by how much physical work a person can do.
Now, if you look at the facts related to exercise, acharyas had suggested a daily routine to follow (Dinacharya). This Vyayam is somewhat different from the current gym weightlifting exercises, Zumba or aerobics.
According to Acharya Sushruta, the karma that makes the body tired is exercise. So it doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do. It is necessary to follow the proportions and the things connected with it as stated in Samhita of Ayurveda.
Praising Vyayam, Acharya had said; There is no better way to get rid of obesity than this. The mental and physical strength of the exerciser is such that even enemies should afraid of him. Just as the deer is afraid to go to the lion, so as the diseases get feared to touch exercisers. The Muscle of the exerciser will get firm and they will look good and young by regular exercises.
A person who is careless about his diet every day, such as eating Viruddha ahara, eating raw and baked food, etc will not get digested easily even after doing regular Exercise.
The benefits of exercise include the strength of the body, the radiance of the body, a well-distributed and strong body, an increase of Agni = increase of appetite, elimination of laziness, stability, relaxation, elimination of fatigue, an increase of the endurance of heat and cold and attainment of ultimate health. Hence, Vyayama mentioned in Ayurveda is not a different type of exercise but it’s an exercise which can be included in your daily lifestyle for achieving a healthy figure. It is equally important to massage the body with oil to avoid any side effects of exercise. It is best to exercise during the cold and autumn seasons.
For how long it is advisable to do in everyday life? Acharyas had said that in every season, a person who is having a well-built body or with a Kapha prakruti and who takes Snigdha ahara (oily foods like milk, ghee etc) can do exercise only up to his half strength. If it is done more than that, then it will kill the person himself.
Now those who exercise excessively in the gym need to think seriously; Our so-called “workout” can be the reason for your death. This thing may have happened with famous TV star Siddharth Shukla.
The next question that can arise is how to assess the strength of our body? As per Ayurveda, when Vayu residing in the heart goes up to the mouth, that is, when a person starts breathing through the mouth by exhaustion, then it is understood that half of his/ her strength has been used. In addition, if you are not exercising without taking care of your age, body, region, season, and diet, it can also lead to diseases.
Excessive exercise can lead to kshaya, diseases related to thirst, loss of appetite, vomiting, skin diseases related to Rakta-Pitta dosha, delirium, dizziness, fatigue, fever, and shortness of breath.
Exercises are contraindicated for persons having diseases like Raktapitta, lean body, shortness of breath, coughing, debilitating due to excessive sexual indulgence, and dizziness.
So, on the perspective of Ayurveda, the brief definition of Bodybuilding is totally different from the Masculine body in this era. And we should choose wisely what our body needs and then treat ourselves daily with the best care and concern.