Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common gynaecological problem.It can be simply defined as painful menstruation/Painful periods.Dysmenorrhoea is classified as primary and secondary. Primary dysmenorrhoe is spasmodic and painful cramps in lower abdomen just before or at onset of menses without any pelvic pathology.The pain due to Menstrual cramps may vary from person to person.For some it may be just a spasm and for some others it can be a hell.
The monthly periods pain can create significant problems in daily lives, by reducing productivity and by affecting the quality of the day.In young as well as middle age,women,menstrual pain often come as a villain.In addition,the hectic lifestyle has created unwanted stress in women. Hence the effective remedy or solution to periods pain is to make a change in lifestyle.The first impactful step ,that you can take in lifestyle change is to add Aerobic exercises and yoga in day to day life.This can create a large difference in primary dysmenorhoea.
Following are the best yogic exercises that can be adopted one week before period date. For good results,it is recommended to do the following exercises in regular manner.During bleeding phase,only breathing exercises are encouraged as body demands rest during that time.
Full Butterfly Yoga
Sit on the floor,with legs together and extended straight out in front.Keep your spine straight. Then slowly fold both legs and join right heel and left heel together.Then bring the heels close to your body.The heels should touch your groin area. With both hands ,grip the feet together. Then slowly start moving the legs up and down. Gradually increase the speed.After completing minimum of 15 rounds.Slow down the process. The movement should be in a rhythmic manner.
Lie down on back.slowly lift both legs straight.Then bend your knee joint.Using both hands,clasp knee joint and bring it close to chest region.Slowly lift your head and place your forehead on knees.Maintain the posture for a few second.
This asana helps in relieving congestion and improves blood circulation.
This an excellent pose for improving pain tolerance and reducing stress levels.This Asana helps in relaxing the pelvic region.
Method: Sit in dandasan pose.Then slowly raise both arms to horizontal level.Further raise it high with palms facing forward.Then slowly bend forward to horizontal level. Then keep on bending body so that you are able to hold toes and your forehead should touch the knees.
This pose is highly beneficial in premenstrual syndrome.The above pose has strong impact in physical as well as mental health of women during periods.Many women tend to experience irritability and mood swings during those days and practicing balasana helps in overcoming it.
Sit in vajrasana.Then widen the knees and place both hands in between the knees.Then slowly bend your body downwards,sliding your hands through the ground.In the final posture, your chin touch the ground.Hold the posture for a few seconds.
Cycling Yoga
Method-Lie down on your back.gently raise both legs high and start to cycle by bending the knee joint.Try to do 15-20 rounds in a continuous manner.
This yogic practice strengthens pelvic floor muscles and improve flexibility.
Breathing Technique
Straight leg raise breathing is one of the best breathing technique for Perimenopause, menopause and post menopause period.
This can be done in three forms. Method-Lie on back.
- Single leg raise breathing-Slowly inhale and raise right leg to 45 degree angle.Then slowly exhale and bring down leg.Complete 10 rounds on right side. Then repeat the same on left side.
- Alternate leg raise breathing-Slowly inhale and raise right leg.Then exhale and bring it down.Then inhale and raise left leg and exhale and bring down. Alternate leg raise can be done to the count of 20.
- Both leg raise breathing-Slowly inhale and raise both legs,then slowly exhale and bring down both legs.Complete 10 rounds.
The monthly Menstrual cramps can be a painful guest to many.The busy schedule and stress happen to increase these difficulties furthermore. Many depend on painkillers as management solutions,which on long run tend to cause more harm.
Adopting Yogic exercises in daily routine can be regarded as a simple yet effective lifechanging phenomena.The above mentioned yogic exercises and breathing practices to be started 10 days prior to the expected period date.But Its always advisable to follow the above yogasana on a daily basis.
Periods is considered as a monthly inconvenience.It is time to change the thought.Consider it as your companion,your strength and your wisdom. So take breaks from your busy schedule and try to embrace the women in you.