The changing seasons around the year affect our health. The condition of Tridosha (vatta, pitta and kapha) in the body changes with seasons. One of the dosha gets aggravated in a particular season and while the other gets pacified in that particular season. The seasonal changes are directly proportional to human health.
One’s diet and other lifestyle leads to promotion of strength and complexion only if he knows the wholesome according to different seasons dependent on behaviour and diet. Ayurveda recommends different foods and behaviour patterns for different times of the year. There are six seasons each comprising a period of two months which include- Shishir, Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad, and Hemant.
Vasant (spring) is the most pleasant of all seasons. This season brings joy and happiness as multi-coloured flowers and fragrances characterise this season. Vasant gives new life to earth as everything around is pretty and charming. This season falls under Chaitra and Vaishakh month of Hindi calendar. During spring, the weather is mild and pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. The days are quite warm and the nights are cold.
Temperature becomes moderate. Vasant season is also the crucial time of the year as it is a transition season between winter and summer. There is a gradual increase in sun’s heat during this time. The Kapha dosha which gets accumulated in the body during Shishir ritu starts liquefying due to sun’s heat. Due to this, digestive fire is diminished and gives rise to several Kapha related disorders like common cold, cough, and heaviness in the body etc. This season is best for evacuation of Kapha from the body by resorting to strong emesis, nasal medications like Nasya karma, Dhoompan and Anjan karma in the eyes are beneficial.
Eatables that are easy to digest and moisture free, fat free and physical exercise is mandatory. One should anoint the body with the paste of Karpura, Chandana, Aguru and Kumkum, make use of old barley, wheat, old honey, meat of animals etc. Unspoiled beverages such as fermented sugarcane juice, asava, fermented grape juice, water boiled with extracts of trees such as Chandana, water mixed with honey or boiled with Musta should also be used be during the spring.
Do not consume too much heavy, oily, sour, sweet, cold food items. Avoid heavy food like new grains, black grams pulse, dairy products which increase heaviness in the body. Sleeping under the open sky in mist and sleep in the day time are contra-indicated as it increase Kapha in the body. Extra exposure to the sun and cold is harmful.
By following all these rules indicated by Ayurvedic scholars one can lead healthy life and avoid season-changing complications!