“Hi…How are you bhai?” Aman asked his best friend Rahul in a much-interested tone through the phone.
“Life happened yaar… I am getting married and can’t figure out what is happening in her head now. This is my first relationship. I don’t have sisters as siblings. I am confused now because I don’t have any girls as close friends. I don’t understand her. Females are too complicated dude…”
“Hey, Relax Rahul… It’s nothing like that. All you need is to understand the concept of the Female brain to know how the female struggles with their mental health.” Said a cool Aman.
“So…Don’t men have this brain and so-called hormones?” retorted back Rahul.
“Of course, all humans are managed by the well-organized play of hormones and the controlling system of the brain. But what you don’t see is that since women have a phenomenon called menstruation, every month, their brain gets marinated with hormones, which take them on a hormonal ride giving them a roller coaster experience of emotions. Some can handle it easily, while others experience it in the name of mood swings. Their mental health totally depends on this along with the contributions from the external environment.” Explained Aman.
“I find all these as mere excuses.” Said a frustrated Rahul.
“Let me try to convince you then…” continued Aman. “Women’s brains have a larger Corpus callosum, Hippocampus, and Cerebral cortex. These are the main areas that can influence emotional processing and communication. Their brain is wired for verbal communication and social connection. The Superior temporal gyrus of the female brain, responsible for language processing is more active. So, when a woman speaks a lot and expresses her emotions to you, it just means that she is being normal around you. When she goes silent, that is when a red bulb should flicker on your head.”
“Oh My God…She has been asking me to stop my smoking habit ever since we met. She has quarrelled with me a lot for the same. But now, she hasn’t talked to me for 2 days because of that. I need space when I am angry. I thought she might be taking her space. But now I understand it’s not the issue.” Said Rahul.
“She has gone to a stage where she believes that whatever she communicates with you is not at all received positively by you. Fluctuating hormone levels like Oestrogen and Progesterone might have taken a toll on her then, it would have impacted her mood and she might not have been able to regulate her emotions then.” Explained Aman. “Women’s brains process emotions more intensely and they have a stronger emotional memory when compared to men. Since the Anterior cingulate cortex which is responsible for empathy and emotional regulation is more active in women, you tend to believe that they are doing an exaggerated response to every single issue that they face. They are also more prone to stress and anxiety due to the increased activity of the amygdala and hypothalamus. Their brains also release a large amount of Oxytocin, which is called the love hormone, which promotes social bonding. But at the same time, it is the same hormone in large quantities that increases stress sensitivity.
It is an arduous task for them to regulate their moods and keep their emotions under control. Women’s brains have a greater sensitivity to serotonin fluctuations, influencing the stability of their mood. The hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause impact a female mind to its maximum.
They also excel in multitasking due to the increased activity in the Prefrontal cortex. However, excessive cognitive load can lead to mental fatigue and depression. Though they try to manage their jobs, parents, husbands or boyfriends, and do the chores of the house excellently, they can get emotional when they do not get mental support from their surroundings. It can lead to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Postpartum Depression, and Perimenopausal depression depending on the various epochs of life. Even their sleep cycles get disturbed due to all these, which in turn affect their quality of life and those around them. Hormonal changes during the various reproductive milestones like Puberty, Pregnancy, and Menopause can also be troublesome to most women. It also increases their vulnerability to various other mental disorders.
Adding to all these, there are societal expectations, cultural norms, and gender role differences that influence female mental health, especially in a country like India. Women face unique pressures, such as body image concerns, caregiving responsibilities, and workplace biases.
Women have a blessing. their brains can adapt and reorganize in response to the expectations of life. Based on life experiences, and learning, Neuroplasticity enables women to develop resilience and coping strategies. Yet, as they say, there is a limit to every adaptability. Every individual must support the women in their lives rather than cursing them for their mood swings.
Overall speaking, Women are expected to prioritize caregiving, and nurturing and deal with all the domestic responsibilities. Some are also forced to meet unrealistic beauty standards which can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and eating disorders. They get often blamed for the silly mistakes that they commit while facing the challenges of their professional and personal life. Even if they are trying to figure out things through therapy, societal norms and stigma prevent them from doing so. It is not easy to be a woman and live happily as a woman.” Said Aman in a concerned tone.
“What can I do to support the mental health of a woman then?” asked a tensed Rahul.
“There are a lot of ways. If a woman cannot cope with her hormonal influences and emotional disturbances, she can seek medical help. Mental health is as important as physical health. There is nothing wrong in seeking help to maintain a peaceful life. Her emotions should also be addressed. Feeling of ‘being heard’ can give her a sense of comfort which can do wonders than any other medications. Incorporating social connections and community support must be emphasized. Usually after marriage, her world gets reduced to her home. She needs to realize that marriage is just one of the relations in this life. She should also mingle with other relations including friends and relatives to feel the happiness of being active socially. Being an independent woman with her own career can also generate confidence in them to face her life. Acknowledging the impact of trauma on female brain development, be it father, son, brother, friend, husband, or even a colleague, it is the duty of every male, to support the females of their lives. Above all, Self-love is the key to remaining happy. Loving her own body, her own decisions, career, and relations along with acceptance of situations with a positive mind set can make life more beautiful.”
“I am glad that I could talk to you Aman. I will keep all these in my mind and act accordingly,” said a teary-eyed Rahul.
Aman smiled and said “All a female brain needs is to embrace their unique biology. Each and every woman deserves compassion, empathy and celebration.”