Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia [Wild.] Miers.) is one of the most valued and common drug available in Indian system of medicine belonging to Menispermacea family. Guduchi is a Sanskrit word which means, that which protects body from diseases. It is also termed to be as ‘Amrta’, which refers to ‘the heavenly elixir’. According to Hindu mythology, it is believed that the Divine nector (Amrta) which was brought by Hanuman to bring the dead to alive during the battle of Rama and Ravana fell in the ground and from which Guduchi sprouted. According to the tale, Guduchi saved c e – lestial beings from old age and kept them eternally young. It is the potential drug in Ayurveda which boasts about full of life energy with myriad of uses. It can help with prolonging life and was thus recognized by the ancient rishis of the Vedic era, long before the age of modern technology.
Habitat and Distribution:
Guduchi, a climbing succulent shrub is found throughout India especially on the tropical area mainly in states like Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, Odisha, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim etc. Almost 40 species are found and distributed in tropical Africa, South-East Asia, Indo Malaya regions and Australia.
Action or Properties:
The stem of Giloy which is the useful part of the plant is bitter, astringent, sweet, thermogenic, anti helmintic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, anti inflammatory, antiemetic, digestive, carminative, appetizer, stomachic, expectorant, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating and tonic.
Guduchi is used extensively in treatment of all types of fever like intermitted fevers or viral fevers, diabetes, burning sensation, hyperdipsia, helminthiasis, vomiting, flatulence, acid gastritis, urinary tract disorders, anemia, jaundice, asthma, cardiac disorders, gout, leprosy, skin disorders, cough, asthma, seminal weakness, eye disorders and general debility. It has many medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti- diabetic, anti arthritic, antioxidant, anti-stress, a n – tileprotic, anti malarial, hepatoprotective, anti allergic and immune modulatory activities. Guduchi is highly valued in Ayurveda for its detoxifying, rejuvenating, immune- supporting, and anti-ama properties. It is now being studied by researchers for cold and flu prevention, immune support, skin disorders, arthritis, liver disorders, gout and other rheumatic disorders. Moreover, Guduchi is one among the “MedyaRasayan” when consumed regularly attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from illness, youthfulness, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, perfection in deliberation, respectability. It is considered the best drug in terms of availability, economy, ease of administration, etc. and further, at the dose levels employed clinically it is well tolerated.
Mode of Usage
• Fever – Decoction of the cold infusion of Guduchi if taken internally is beneficial.
• Jaundice –Paste of Guduchi leaves with buttermilk
• Thirst –Syrup made with Guduchi
• Gout– Milk or ghee processed withGuduchi decoction
• Skin disorders –Juice or decoction of Guduchi taken as drink.
• Diabetes –Juice of Guduchi with honey