Children are the world’s most valuable resource and the best hope for future. As we all know, the initial years are the building blocks for a better future .But in this modern era, Childhood has been transformed to a pressure cooker. The over burden of studies, lack of parents attention, increased screen time are creating emotional as well as physical difficulties among children. So for ensuring a better future, we need to ensure proper physical and emotional development of kids. Now, how do we do that?
Yoga is the answer that helps in achieving both aims.
When to start?
The age, when they start to understand the instructions given by a yoga expert is the best suitable age. As early as 4years, yoga can be introduced to kids. During the preschool time, children are more curious to learn a new thing. It can be introduced as a fun activity to the kids. At the age of 4years, when they enter the school phase, children often find it difficult to sit in class; they are restless, not able to concentrate. Here Yoga can play a major role in uplifting his confidence, patience and making the child physically active.
As the saying goes, Early, the better.
How Yoga helps in Emotional health of kids?
- Improve concentration
- Relieve stress and anxiety
- Helps in emotional development
- Teach them self acceptance
- Improve memory & thereby improves academic performance
- Boost confidence
- Teach them patience
Role of Yoga in physical development of kids:
- Improve their flexibility
- Improve immunity
- Strengthen digestive system
- Promotes physical strength
- Improves coordination and balance
- Improve motor skills
- Improves posture
- Strengthen respiratory system
- Vrkshasana-The tree pose
In this posture, child is made to stand in one leg and fold the other leg and place the feet over the thigh of the leg used to balance the weight of the body. Both hands joined together to form namaskara mudra.
Child slowly learns to balance himself. This asana improves his concentration, focus and gross motor skills.
- Padahastasana
Child has to slowly raise both hands sideways and extend it above his head. Then slowly bend his body and try to catch his toes using fingers.
This posture helps in strengthening their thigh muscles, improves posture and balance. By regular practice body of the child becomes flexible and strong.
- Balasana
Let the child sit on their heels. Slowly place both palms on the ground between thigh and extend both hands forward and let the forehead of the child touch the ground.
This posture stretches hip, thighs and ankles. This asana also improves blood circulation and calms the brain.
- Paschimothanasana
It is a seated forward bending asana.The child has to slowly raise both arms sideways and then extend it above head. Then slowly bend his body and try to catch his toes.
This posture strengthens the entire spine. It also helps in improving their appetite.
- Bhujangasana-Cobra pose
Child has to lie down in prone posture, extending the both arms forward. Then slowly bring both arms near chest region and slowly lift upper part of body.
This posture can be done after continuous sitting in online classes, thereby helps to relieve stress from spine. It also improves digestion.
Breathing exercises or pranayama plays an inevitable role in physical as well as emotional development of children.They learns at an early age about mindful breathing.
- Bramari pranayama- Make the child sit in a comfortable posture. Let him close his eyes. He/She has to inhale(expand chest) and exhale by making a bee humming sound(mmmm…). Tell the child to concentrate on the vibrations. 3 rounds can be practiced.
- A-U-M Kara chanting- This is a good breathing practice to freshen the kids day. The child has to inhale through nose and then exhale by opening mouth, making ‘A’ kara sound. Repeat it 3 times. Then again inhale and then exhale with ‘U’ Kara sound. Repeat it 3 times. Then again inhale and then exhale with ‘M’ Kara sound. Repeat it 3 times. The positive vibration produced by this chanting will make child’s day active, happy and positive.
Duration of yoga practice?
The duration can range from 15minutes to 1 hour based on the age of child. In preschool age it is better to limit to 15 minutes. Yoga should not become as a tiresome activity. The child should enjoy and do yoga. In between each yogic exercise, proper relaxation needs to be given. And At the end of session, a deep relaxation technique(Shavasana) can be performed.
In short, Yoga should be made as a part of childhood, as it helps in developing important life skills from an early age. Yoga brings about positive impact on children’s wellbeing and help them succeed in this world. So Let us together empower kids through yoga and bring joy and peace in their life ………
As the wise says-Children are natural imitators, gift them with a practice worthy of imitation.