Ayurveda emphasizes quality of life in terms of Good health and peace of mind. To lead such a holistic quality life, Ayurveda has explained several do’s & don’ts to be followed, which are scattered in different parts as well as in different classical textbooks of Ayurveda. Ayurveda elaborates on good health as a Quantitative and Qualitative balance of Dosha’s, Dhatu’s, Mala’s, and Agni. To obtain that balance, there are rules and regulations mentioned for lifestyle and dietary habits.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and food habits is a huge task in this fast-paced generation, where people are running behind earning enough money for their materialistic requirements. Nowadays, thoughts about exercising or having good food habits come only when one falls ill or develops any health issues. This culture should change and exercising or eating healthy should become a daily routine, then only a quality life can be lived with your loved ones.
Even though most of the lifestyle habits in this generation cannot be revamped entirely since the daily routine has been adjusted to that, if we amend it to some extent, it can help significantly in leading a healthy life in longer run. Since the New Year is always a time for resolutions, even though unfulfilled, many times, it can still be taken as an opportunity for change.
Whenever one wants to alter his lifestyle and food habits to improve health, they should be very peculiar about Sleep and Food intake.
Sleep should be optimum without disturbing the circadian rhythm of the body. Faulty habits like sleeping in the afternoon, sleeping just after food, and sleeping late at night should be avoided entirely as it is contraindicated and may be a precursor for many chronic diseases. The main culprits that disturb sleep are screen time and the habit of eating late at night. Ayurveda strongly contradicts both these habits and terms them as one among the main culprits in developing different diseases.
The following is the list of possible lifestyle as well as dietary modifications which one can try in this new year a better and more productive life in terms of peace of mind as well as a result oriented career.
- Waking up early and sleeping early will give positive energy as well as clarity of mind and keep one energetic for the whole day. (Braahmya muhurte uttishteth)
- A moderate amount of exercise is recommended daily, preferably early morning or evening before food, at least for 20 – 30 minutes.
- Eat food at the proper time daily, preferably freshly prepared.
- Instead of snacking with junk foods, develop a habit of healthy snacking, preferably steamed vegetables or fruits.
- Avoid having deep-fried foods or outside foods frequently.
- Reduce the usage of sugar to the maximum extent in your daily routine.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the day, reducing the incidences of brain fogging in the workplace.
- Avoid or minimize the amount of sitting at a place for a longer duration by taking short breaks in between.
- Even in the workplace, try to have minimum stretching exercises, which enhance blood circulation to the brain, thereby removing tiredness, headaches, etc.
- Try to have dinner with the family so that whatever happened over that day can be shared and discussed with others, which reduces the stress significantly.
- Try to have dinner as early as possible, at maximum of 8 o’clock, which helps in proper digestion of the meal
- Make a habit of having atleast 2hrs of gap between dinner and sleep, which facilitates proper digestion & absorption of the food taken.
- Stop using electronic gadgets atleast from half an hour before going to bed.
- Try to have a family trip once in a while, which will relieve work pressure and stress.
- Try to do oil application to whole body followed by warm water bath atleast once in 15 days.
- Try to apply oil & do a massage to the feet during bedtime, which will help you get good deep sleep daily.
- Try reading at least one page from any spiritual book daily, giving you the confidence to face challenging situations.
- Try not to harm anyone with your thoughts or actions.
- Develop at least one hobby other than a profession which will help keep Anxiety or tensions at bay.
- Make a habit of writing a diary to note everything that has happened that day.
These are all already known but forgotten things. Trying to practice these things regularly will help relieve tensions in the workplace and will make you happier and healthier. The complete adoption of above mentioned lifestyle changes may not be possible for everyone. Still, at least a few of these things, if followed, will make drastic changes to not only the mental state but also the overall productivity. Wishing everyone a happy and very prosperous New Year. Let all your wishes come true this year.