The most important objective of life is to have a healthy body and a healthy mind. People generally are obsessed with the ideal body shape. To achieve the perfect body, people engage themselves in self-indulged dieting and other measures without the guidance of a qualified physician. There are various instantaneous dieting measures which are available on the internet, which are not reliable. It could have a devastating short term and long-term impact. Our build up is primarily dependent on our genes and secondarily on our food and lifestyle. If genetically a person tends to be heavy, he needs to take care on his diet and lifestyle as improper diet and lifestyle could make the person heavy.
In Ayurveda there are three types of innate prakriti based on doshas that is vata, pitta and kapha. Vata prakruti people are generally skinny and light in nature. They tend to be light in weight even though they eat heavy foods, and they may have trouble gaining weight whereas on the other hand kapha prakruti people tend to be plumpy and round and they are heavy by nature and on the other hand have trouble losing weight. People mainly youngsters to quickly lose weight resort to all counts of wrong means like crash dieting, starvation, unethical fasting, keto dieting etc.
Basically, the concept of nutrition is compromised by these youngsters. By intense crash dieting or fasting, the body is deprived of essential nutrients like carbohydrates, vitamins, micronutrients etc. and it can be fatal in the long run. As it can lead to wide variety of metabolic syndromes in the long run and could potentially damage liver, kidney and heart and very rarely the brain too. Once the damages are profound it becomes very difficult to irreversible.
As a part of the weight loss plan people bluntly try to take only protein diet like meat, soyabean etc. Taking only protein can be fatal for liver, kidney, and heart in the long run. Proteins must be taken only in the adequate quantity that is 1g/kg body weight per day. Planning a weight loss without burdening the body with starvation or over nutrition is the most ideal. A combination of proper nutrition and diet can help in weight loss. One must drink adequate quantity of warm water. Some people take lemon with honey for weight loss in empty stomach. But since lemon consists of citric acid, it is better to consume occasionally and not regularly. Regular use can increase appetite and may lead to overeating and hyperacidity. One can replace rice with wheat and millets in diet. Take vegetable soup and buttermilk in diet. Take small light meals every three hours or as per digestion and don’t fast more than six hours. Avoid fast food and junk food specially made from refined flour and deepfried ones as they are detrimental to the body as they can lead to risk of high cholesterol and risk of cardiac diseases and lack nutritional value. Sprouts is a good source of calorie and protein but should be boiled and consumed. Avoid high calorie foods like potato, other tubers, sweets and sugars.
So, in short to conclude it is always advisable to take nutrition into plan while planning dieting measures. Avoid crash dieting and keto dieting as they are detrimental in the long run. Always plan a diet only under the advice of a qualified dietician and physician. right diet and exercise are two essential tools of weight management and should be done under proper guidance for better results. Over diet and exercise can never yield good results. Better to avoid chemical supplements and statins for weight loss and instead of that take natural diet like fruits, vegetables, and millets for good and natural results.