According to WHO, one in every four couples is in the cruel hands of infertility, i.e., 180 million ever-married women of reproductive age in developing countries are maintaining ‘child wish’. Health should start from our own homes. Let us consider some vajeekarana yogas and regimen, which is not only aphrodisiac but also improves the overall health of human being that can be used in daily life for a married couple who is desirous of offspring.
After proper purificatory therapies and rejuvenators, couples should follow some seasonal regimens as the first step. A few days before sexual intercourse for breakfast, Vajeekarana pinda rasa can be made. It is an aphrodisiac, gives nutrition, provides strength, and is also good for getting lustre as well as sweet sounds. At noon, vrushya shashtikodana can be made along with fish and meat fried in ghee. Delicious vrushya pupalikas can be made in the form of cakes as evening snacks along with Vrushya ksheera, a preparation made out of milk instead of tea. At night, vrushya masha yusha, a kind of soup with urad dal as the main ingredient mixed with ghee along with red rice can be given. Vrushya dadhisara which provides lustre, good voice, and strength along with virility can be administered before going for consummation.
In couples who have perfect reproductive health, daily use of Apatyakara swarasa (same preparation of apatyakara ghrta which is available in market) will help them to maintain their youth. They can also take Gokshuradi modaka as a daily snack as an alternative. Milk and ghee should be included in the diet of both partners. They should incorporate a sweeter, oily, nourishing diet. They should do sexual intercourse with their own interest and be driven by the passion of the opposite partner. After the copulation, they should take a bath and go to sleep after the intake of milk or meat soup. In this way, optimization of gametes and nourishment takes place which can give rise to a healthy progeny.
When a couple who is not having children visits your home, instead of putting salt in their wound with unwanted questions and comments, take some effort in making dishes that can benefit them. Instead of tea, serve them with goat milk boiled with Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) powder, honey added to it after cooling. Make them Dosas and Idlis using easily available drugs like Urad dal. Serve them along with coconut chutney prepared in sesame oil. In research conducted in the U.S, Urad dal was found to increase the RBC folate levels in women of the reproductive age group, which in turn decreases the Neural tube defect risk. Sesame oil in research has been shown to increase sperm count and motility in males. We can also serve them paayasa prepared with sugar cane and Kashkhash grass which can provide good quality ovum and sperms.
Acharya Caraka has given perfect mental health as the most important aspect to attain pregnancy. We live in a society that has cases of depression and anxiety getting diagnosed each day. Herbs like Shankhupushpi well known as morning glory can be included in our lives as ‘Blue tea’ a tea prepared with flowers of the plant that can act as a psychostimulant, tranquilizer, mental tension reliever, and brain tonic. It also induces a feeling of calm and peace, relief in anxiety, insomnia, stress, and mental fatigue. Those having insomnia can try out Ksheerabala 101 avarti on the vertex of the head. Foot massage is done daily with Bala taila also promotes a calm mind and a good sleep.
Acharya Charaka, in Sootrasthana, Matrasitiyaadhyaya, has explained a red variety of rice, green gram, salt, gooseberry, barley, antariksha-jala, milk, ghee, the meat of animals from dry lands, honey as the 11 items that we can use regularly. These can be used in various combinations to create a balanced diet. If you find you are more attracted to ‘momos’, there is nothing wrong with experimenting with it and changing it to a healthy steam-made ‘Green gram momos’. If you are addicted to sweet sugary snacks, for their sake, let us replace them with ‘honey-soaked gooseberries’. The love for red meat can be brought down gently, and home-cooked meat, like mutton soup and low-spiced mutton curry, can be included in the diet. Milkshakes and Faloodas can be substituted by turmeric-added milk- which is common among foreign countries in the name of ‘golden milk’. It not only builds up your immunity but also helps in the healing of many diseases including wounds.
Do not forget that the God and deeds we perform play a major role in our lives. It is always important to do righteous things and follow healthy regimens. Praying every day always generates a feeling of gratitude towards the greatest creator who has the strength to change the world within a flick of a second. In idiopathic infertility, where Doctors get confused with the patient, miracles have happened, which science has not been able to explain yet.
Let us consider Vajeekarana as a key to the locked door of health and hope. A reason to lead a wholesome life.