“Hi Meera! What are you doing in such a hurry burry?” asked Naina.
“Oh! Here comes my Ayurveda Doctor. I was just noting down the new year resolutions.” Said Meera.
“Oh! May I know your resolutions please?” asked Naina politely.
“Have a lot of things on my bucket list. But my first and the foremost one is to plan for a baby.” Said Meera.
“Oh…that’s a wonderful one. So, you are planning to expand the family. Great….” Exclaimed Naina. “But do you know that there are certain things that you need to keep in mind before you even think of conceiving?”
“Glad that I have a doctor friend. Tell me what I must do dear…” asked a curious Meera.
Naina continued.
“More than thinking about having a healthy child, a couple must focus on how healthy they are. For that, a husband and wife should first go through some tests. For you, Meera, the first test you must take is a blood test to check your hormonal levels. You can also undergo a Trans Vaginal Ultrasound Scan to make sure that your uterus and its adjacent structures are in good condition for the process of pregnancy and labour. The husband can undergo Sperm analysis and ensure he has perfect reproductive health.
Even if all these test results turn out to be expected, it is always good for the couple to undergo Shodhana therapy. It is a type of purificatory procedure that we follow in Ayurveda. It can be Vamana (Emetic therapy) or Virechana (Purgative procedure), depending upon the body’s constitution and climatic condition. It helps to clean your body, improves metabolism, and helps the proper functioning of all the systems, including your reproductive system. It is also good to take some medications that can support your wish for conception. The medicines that help achieve pregnancy are Phala Sarpi, Kalyanaka ghrita, Sukumara ghrita, etc. Various other medications give good results in improving the quality of eggs and endometrium thickness and help in sustaining the pregnancy. Shatapushpa and Ashwagandha have effects in increasing the quantity and quality of eggs, while Ashwagandha is also helpful in maintaining good quality sperm. Procedures like Uttarabasti (administration of medicine into the uterus) also help increase the implantation rates and help achieve a healthy pregnancy.”
“I did not know that all these aspects were there behind a good pregnancy,” said a surprised Meera.
“Not only these dear… The main thing that you need to monitor is your diet and sleep. According to WHO, one in every four couples is in the cruel hands of infertility, i.e. 180 million ever-married women of reproductive age in developing countries are maintaining ‘child wish’.Health should start from our own homes. When we run behind junk foods, often known by the synonym Fast foods, we do not see the threat behind it. Even the wealthiest households in India do not consume adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and non-cereal proteins in their diets. An average Indian household consumes more calories from processed foods than fruits. There can be innumerable reasons for this upward trend in fast food. As Indians started to adopt the lifestyle of Westerners, gradually, the idea of being reformed might have struck their minds and would have brought modern styles to their food. As the expenditure started to sky high, every millisecond became precious in the job, and we had no time to spend cooking a meal. Since Junk food only has long-term effects, people have started to consume them more, assuming that they are just fine even after consuming them for days. When we focus more on our immunity and general health, we automatically upgrade our lives with flawless reproductive health.
When we glance at our lives after the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we have limited ourselves to the world of screens. Whether mobile or laptop, we carry them everywhere, including toilets and breakfast tables. Let’s think a bit differently from now on. Let us find some time to hug our loved ones, have meals together around one table at least once a day, and go for a picnic in the nearby parks as a stress buster. Let us spread love more and abide by the general rules that great sages prescribe for us to be healthy ourselves and also to create a healthy generation. Try not to consider sexual intercourse as a routine regimen that you need to finish off within seconds with fake orgasms. It is always beneficial to know every nook and corner of both the mind and body of the partner to reach up to the peak of sexual excitement. Last but not least, if there is any problem-related to the body or mind, always seek the help of a professional expert rather than a quack. There can be many remedies that Google and YouTube can add as suggestions to your screen, but always consult a certified doctor to avail yourself of health facilities.
Above all, Ayurveda says that a sound mind is the way to healthy progeny. Having a sound sleep of at least 6-7 hours is mandatory to keep your physical and mental health intact.” Concluded Naina.
“So in nutshell, I should eat healthy, sleep well, take care of myself in
this coming new year. That should be my priority, right?”
“You are a fast learner Meera…” teased Naina.
“Happy New Year Meera…I am excited to be a Maasi…”