Haritaki or Terminalia chebula Retz. And Willd. is known as Yellow Myrobalan or Chebulic Myrobalan or Harad in Hindi. It has been given a prime place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine since ancient times which is a native to South Asia mainly from India. Harithaki is extensively used in Unani, Tibetan, Homeopathic systems of medicine apart from Ayurveda. The main pharmacological activities observed are its Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity, Anti-carcinogenic activity, Anti-mutagenic, Hepato-protective activity, Cardio protective activity, Anti-diabetic, Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity, Antiviral activity Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic activity, Anti-caries activity, Wound healing activity, Purgative property, Immune modulatory activity etc. The drug is externally used in wound healing, inflammation of mucous membrane of the mouth, fungal infection and internally as rejuvenate, laxative and as purgative. It is also useful in fever, cough, and piles.
- Chewing Harithaki fruit increases digestive power whereas if it is made into a paste and eaten, it clears and cleanses the bowel. If steamed or boiled, it becomes absorbent, useful in malabsorption syndrome. If it is fried, it is useful in Tridosha imbalance conditions.
- Harithaki if eaten after food, it eliminates all toxic effects. If it is taken along with salt, it balances kapha whereas if taken with sugar, it balances pitta and if taken with ghee, it balances vata disorders.
- Local application of Harithaki is Anti-inflammatory.
- In conjunctivitis, it can be used for application on eyelids.
- A decoction of Harithaki is used for cleaning wounds and used for gargling in the diseases of the mouth and throat.
- It helps in normalizing bowel movements. [Harithaki powder of 1 to 3 grams is administered with a cup of hot water to relieve ama (undigested food constituents) in case of Irritable Bowel disease associated with low digestive power]
- Powdered Harithaki reduces constipation if given internally in a dose of 3-6 gm with warm water.
- A fine powder of Harithaki is used as a tooth powder which strengthens the gums.
- Bala Haritaki (small variety) is useful in haemorrhoids/ piles as it reduces the size of pile mass and arrests bleeding. (Sitz bath with 2 tablespoons of Harithaki powder in 10 liters water for 10 minutes, before bath, is useful in reducing the swelling and healing).
- 10 g of Harithaki powder with grapes may be taken to get relief in hyperacidity.
- Triphala i, e. Powder of Hairthaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhithaki (Terminalia bellerica) and Amalaki (Phyllanthes emblica) in equal quantities with warm water may be consumed after dinner to relieve constipation.
- In diabetes, Harithaki powder should be taken along with honey daily.