Female infertility has become a major issue in the current scenario due to the increasing number of incidences day by day which can cause psychological, physical, mental, spiritual, and medical detriments to the patient. The unique quality of this medical condition involves affecting both the patient and the patient’s partner as a couple. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive even after one or more years of unprotected coitus with an overall incidence of 10-20%. Around 48 million couples and 186 million individuals live with infertility globally. Prevalence of infertility has not changed although more couples are seeking help more than previously. Male factor responsible is 30-40%, the female is 40-50%,both in 10% and unexplained in 10%. Infertility cases are increasing due to stress, obesity, lack of exercise, and environmental pollution.
In Ayurveda, the word, Vandhyatva is used as equivalent to Infertility. Stri Vandhyatva is not explained as an independent disease but mentioned as a result of many diseases or complications arising from diseases. Ayurveda states four factors like Rithu (fertile period), Kshethra (healthy reproductive system), Ambu (nutrition) and Beeja (healthy ovum and sperm),which is necessary for achieving the pregnancy. Ayurveda also had given more importance to psychological and mental health for Garbhadharana (Pregnancy). Normal functioning of Vatadosha, Ojobala(immunity), Shadbhava like Matruja(mother), Pitruja (father), Atma (soul), Satmya (congeniality), Rasa (nutrition), Satva (mind) also plays an important role in fertility.
In this case study patient aged 31 years who was anxious to conceive for six years seeking Ayurveda line of treatment in our Hospital. The patient was treated with Oral medication, Panchakarma and Stanika chikitsa. The outcome of the Ayurvedic intervention was the conception of the patient within 6 months of treatment which yields a fruitful result in Ayurvedic Management.
Case Report
A married woman aged 31 years and her husband aged 32 years anxious to have a child approached for seeking treatment. On interaction with the couple and through her treatment history, it was found that the couple was under allopathic consultation for the past 3 years. She had a history of cervical polyp and was removed 2 years back. She had done IUI 3 times and failed.
The women had a regular menstrual cycle of 28 to 30 days and the menstruation was for five days. There was a contributing family history that her sister was also infertile for the past 4 years. She had a surgical history of polypectomy in cervix. She had no previous medical or surgical illness. No abnormality was found in the coital history and had not taken any contraceptive measures. On general examination, her Pulse and BP were found to be 75/min and 120/870 mm of Hg respectively. No pallor or oedema was found. Her Weight was 62kg and height was 158 cm. Ultrasonography suggested no abnormality in the uterus and HSG suggested bilateral tubal patency. Per speculum examination revealed Cervix healthy, normal in shape, size and position with mild white discharge. Per vaginal examination revealed a normal sized Anteverted uterus, Fornices free, mild white discharge and Cervical motion tenderness was absent. Her general examination was normal, and the systemic examination, CNS, RS and CVS was also normal. She did not have any kind of allergies with respect to food and medicines. Her Husband Semen analysis was found to be normal.
The Treatment
1st Month -Shodhana Karma – Virechana Karma
2nd, 3rd And 4th Month, the following medication was advised
- Bala choornam + Shatavari choornam for ksheera paka
- Shatapushpachoorna – with Tilathaila and jaggery
- Phalaghrita
Stanika Chikitsa – Yoni Prakshalana with Triphala choorna kwatha
For her husband, Aswagandharista was advised. Psychological assurance and counselling were given to couples at the time of visit. Couples advised to come for regular follow up after every cycle. Finally, in the 5th month, the lady came for a follow up with a missed period. Urine pregnancy test was done, and it showed “Positive pregnancy”. Later Sonographic confirmation was made. She was advised to continue Bala choorna ksheerapaka throughout pregnancy as the Bala choorna is having Balya (provides strength) and Garbha stapana (stabilizes pregnancy) properties. She was advised to have periodic antenatal checkup at modern hospital at her native place. She had uneventful continuation of pregnancy till term and delivered a normal female baby of 2.7 kg.
Infertility is a relatively common reproductive condition impacting psychological, economic, and medical demands on those who are affected. Ayurveda holistically addresses infertility by regulating menstrual cycles, enhancing general health and wellness, revitalizing sperm, reducing stress, enhancing sleep, controlling anxiety and increasing energy level, balancing the endocrine system, improving blood flow in pelvic cavity and enhancing overall health. Ayurveda treatment principles focus on each unique body type, enhances the body systems participating in the process of fertilization and therefore serves as an excellent alternative for reaching fertilization and undoubtedly will reward you with the most desirable blessing ‘PARENTHOOD’.