Ayurveda is a natural gift to humanity for its goodness. Scoliosis, a condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can be a source of discomfort and pain for many individuals. The curve is usually s (or) c shaped over the three dimensions. Scoliosis is related to kubjata as per Ayurveda. Mild scoliosis does not typically cause problems, but more severe cases can affect breathing and movement. As the condition progresses, it may alter a person’s life and hence can also be considered as a disability.
Scoliosis affects millions worldwide, causing physical and emotional challenges. Earlier people over the age of 65 are the one who might be suffering with scoliosis due to lumbar disc herniation, but nowadays even middle-aged group people are rushing to the OPD with severe clinical features. Ayurveda as a holistic system of medicine, aims to restore balance and promote overall health and wellbeing. While Ayurvedic treatments can provide support and management for scoliosis. Scoliosis is a complex structural condition of the spine, and its management typically involves a multidisciplinary approach that may include medical interventions, physical therapy, bracing or in severe cases, surgery. Ayurvedic treatments for scoliosis can complement conventional approaches by addressing associated symptoms, improving overall health and supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
Case Study
A 30-year-old male with a known case of scoliosis and a history of low back pain since 3 years, also having radiating pain towards both legs up to the toe. Patient had numbness, stiffness and tenderness in both legs, but the right leg is more severe when compared to the left leg. Patient being a lorry driver used to drive for longer distances, developed low back ache, so he consulted many allopathic doctors and neurosurgeons even, they advised oral medication and found temporary relief, meanwhile he developed curvature of spine due to continuous traveling though he is having severe pain. So, later advised for surgery but the patient was not willing to go for surgery so, he consulted me. When he came to Ayurvedic Hospital, his spine posture was completely deviated towards the right side of the body with uneven shoulders, uneven waist, asymmetrical hips, uneven leg length, stiffness, numbness and tenderness. He was unable to stand or sit for 5 minutes, experiencing severe pain even in lying posture and his walking style also completely changed. Because of severe pain he left the job and was confined to bed for 1 month.
On Examination:
Adam’s forward bend test is positive
Straight Leg Raising Test (SLRT) is positive, right leg showed 150 angle whereas left leg showed 300 angle.
Trendelenburg sign is Positive
MRI of Lumbo-sacral region
MRI Report shows:
- D12-L1, L1-L2, L3-L4 Discs –Mild to moderate annular disc bulge is seen causing mild thecal sac compression and mild B/L Neural foramina narrowing B/L flaval ligament hypertrophy is seen at this level.
- L4-L5 Disc- Moderate annular disc bulge with small posterior disc protrusion is seen causing canal stenosis and B/L neural foramina narrowing. B/L flaval ligament hypertrophy is seen at this level.
- L5- S1 Disc –Mild annular disc bulge with small posterior disc protrusion is seen causing mild thecal sac compression and B/L neural foramina narrowing.
Whole spine – shows mild disc bulge at C3-4-disc level.
In Ayurveda scoliosis is not described as a specific or separate disease and there is no specific term which can be directly correlated to scoliosis. While going through the literature, we can see the word kubja, it is a common term used by Acharya to describe a hump-like appearance, which may be scoliosis, Kyphosis or Kypho-scoliosis. When the scoliotic curve becomes severe, it tends to give a humped back like appearance so scoliosis can be included under the term Kubja.
Scoliosis is a vataja nanatmaja vyadhi so, vatahara samana cikitsa and Panchakarma therapies were advised in the present case study. The main aim of Ayurveda is to stop the progression of the curve, to strengthen the supporting structures and to increase the flexibility of the spine.
Samana cikitsa i.e., palliative treatment was given with the following drugs such as Sahacaradi tailam soft gel capsules, Shallaki, Bala tailam soft gel capsules, Gandharvahastha soft gel capsules and Maha Narayana tailam for external application.
Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga, sarvanga sveda, virechana, Kati vasti and matra vasti were advised. After 21 days of treatment the patient was able to stand, sit, lie down without any difficulty and the curvature of the spine became normal. Radiating pain towards both legs, Numbness and stiffness was completely reduced.