Dr Shweta S Nayak

MD (Ayu) Professor Department of RS and BK, Ashwini Ayurveda Medical College & Research Centre, Tumakuru, Karnataka

A woman is compared to Prakruti(Nature). How nature is the cause for universe same way woman is responsible for the birth of creature. A woman plays multiple role in day to day life, from being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a working woman, a teacher etc are likely to be a prime initiator of outside assistance and plays an important role in facilitating changes in family life. Every woman goes through a series of profound changes during her lifetime. Because of many reasons hormone level vary significantly from age to age, she needs special care in her…

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In this Modern era, our lifestyle has become too stressful and challenging to pay equal attention to health and work. Nobody has time for self-care which may cause serious health issues. To get quick relief people are usually taking modern medicines which many times turn to self-medications causing various side effects. If you want to get fit, to have a healthy life adopting a new habit is not enough, one should focus on daily routines in their lifestyles (Ahara & Vihara). Ayurveda, a life of science which mainly focuses on promoting balance between body & mind. It has various tools…

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