In the present Era, our mind and body get constantly affected with epic amounts of stress and toxins. Hence a good cleansing mechanism is the need of the hour, which support the removal of accumulated toxins. The accumulated toxins are the root cause of illness. Our mind as well as body can work more efficiently, with a routine cleansing mechanism. Many are not familiar with the 6 cleansing techniques mentioned in yogic science. This is called as Shadkriya or Shadkarma.
- Dhauti
- Vasthi
- Neti
- Kapalabhathi
- Trataka
- Nauli
1 Dhauti
It is Further classified as
- Antar dhauti
- Danta dhauti
- Hrid dhauti
- Mula shodhana
- Antar dhauti
It is further classified as Vatasara,Varisara,Vahnisara and bahiskriya. But Only Varisara and Agnisara kriya is practiced now a days. The other techniques like vatasara and bahiskriya have got some practical difficulties.
- Varisara (Sankhapraksalana kriya) This technique is widely practiced due to its amazing benefits. In this technique, one has to drink 16 glasses of warm saline water and then perform series of 5 asanas.
- Tadasana
- Tiryaktadasana
- Katichakrasana
- Tiryakbujangasana
- Udarakarshanasana
The above asanas create strain in the lower abdominal area which result in bowel movements. All the impurities in abdomen are washed out by this cleansing mechanism. This can be performed once a month.
- Vahnisara/Agnisara kriya
This practice involves conscious flapping of navel against spine for hundred times. This is to be performed either on standing/sitting in badrasana. Jalandhara bandha (Throat lock) to be adopted. This method helps in improving the jatharagni (digestive fire).
- Vastra dhauti
A strip of wet cloth approx. 1.5m length is slowly swallowed and then taken out. This helps in cleaning out the impurities from esophagus and upper abdomen. All indigestion related problems are relieved by vastra dhauti.
- Vamana dhauti
One has to drink warm saline water on empty stomach. Then tickle the throat with fingers to induce vomiting. This method improves efficiency of digestive system. Moreover, this cleansing method is ideal for persons suffering from Asthma and other respiratory diseases.
- Mulashodhana
This is performed by inserting middle finger into rectum and rotating clockwise and anticlockwise direction. This method cleanses the anus and surrounding areas.
- Vasthi
According to Yogic science, vasti is performed by simply contracting and relaxing the anal sphincters. This procedure is classified as jala vasthi and sthala vasthi.
Jala vasthi-The person should sit naval deep in water and water is sucked into anus by contracting the abdominal muscles and then water is released by relaxing the abdominal muscles
Sthala vasthi-It is practiced by lying on back. Do vipareetakarani mudra as shown in the image below and position the legs at 60-degree angle to the floor. Then slowly bring knees close to the chest region. Then push sphincter muscles out and suck air inside by contracting the anal sphincter muscles. Then release the air out by relaxing the sphincter muscles.
- Neti
This is a cleansing mechanism involving nose and other sinuses. Practically 2 forms of neti are widely used. Sutra neti and jala neti
- Sutra neti
A length of wet string or thin catheter is carefully and gently inserted through the nose. The other end is then pulled out of the mouth and while holding both ends at once the string is alternately pulled in and out of the nose and sinuses. This helps in cleansing nose and paranasal sinuses.
- Relieves inflammation
- Clear excess mucous
- Reduces heaviness of nose
- Prevent sinus infections
- Reduce migraine attacks
- Jala neti:
This is a cleansing mechanism of nose using water. Items needed- Jala neti pot, Warm saline water.
Stand by keeping feet a little apart. Gently bend your body and place the nozzle of the jala neti pot onto the right nostril. Keep your mouth open and breathe through your mouth. Twist your head to the left. With the gravitational effect, water will slowly enter right nostril and come out through left nostril. Repeat the same in left nostril.
After completion of jala neti, kapalabhathi can be done to remove the excess water inside nostril. Jala neti and sutra neti can be practiced weekly once.
- Kapalabhathi
It is the technique of passive inhalation and active exhalation. One has to sit in any comfortable meditative posture like vajrasana, padmasana or sukhasana. Start by taking a deep breath and then active exhalation to be done. It is to be continued till the person gets tired.
This can be done in 4 ways:
- Right nostril kapalabhathi
- Left nostril kapalabhathi
- Alternate nostril Kapalabhathi
- Both nostril kapalabhathi
- Trataka
It is a yogic purification method that involves gazing0 steadily at one point. The procedure can be further classified as External and Internal trataka. External trataka involves gazing at any point externally and internal trataka involves concentrating on the same image in mind. Details of Trataka has been detailed in the previous issue.
Read more : Issue No: 7 – Improve Your Vision with Yoga
One has to steadily gaze at a black dot in the wall. This is called as bindu trataka (External trataka). Later one has to close his eyes and see the same image in his mind(Internal trataka). Gazing steading to the candle flame is called a jyoti trataka. This also can be performed in the above method.
The end point to stop gazing is:
-When lachrymation starts
-When a person feels eye pain or strain
For beginners the duration for trataka to be kept as 1 minute and then it can be slowly increased.
- Strengthen eye muscles
- Cleanses eyes
- Improve vision
- Increase concentration
- Nauli
This is considered best among the shadkarma This is the practice of contracting and isolating rectus abdominis muscle. One has to lean forward, protrude abdomen and rotate muscles from right to left with speed.
- Helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles
- Massages intestine and abdominal organs
- Improves digestive function
The main purpose of Shadkarma is to remove impurities, detoxify body and prepare the mind and body for Yoga. The connectivity between mind and body improves by a proper cleansing mechanism. Hence for promoting health and to awaken the inner energy, the above mentioned 6 purificatory therapies can be adopted.
Detoxify, Cleanse, and rejuvenate your body and improve your health at Physical, Psychological, Emotional, and spiritual level.