Something happens to my city when the rain comes
Tin roofs, tarpaulin shades, peepal trees, leaves, gutters…
Everything begins to sing!
Entering a narrow lane
The wheel of a cycle gargles and spouts water
Even people seem to become taller in the rain
They appear as much above the water as beneath it
When the upper part swims, the lower half paddles underwater
– Gulzar
Monsoon is always poetic. No season was ever explained in the most beautiful words of nature’s beauty. It’s always nostalgic – the first rain, the smell of soil after rain, darker clouds, cold winds and breezy vegetation. As for all plants, sprouting or new shoots arise in the rainy season, similarly, the human body cycle starts from the rainy season and makes the body capable of withstanding for a whole year. Hence taking care of your body as a new bud is always welcomed in health and wellness aspects.
As time passes, the heat of summer slowly reduces and clouds begin to gather over the sky, become darker and prepare for the rainy season. The heat of soil released from earth combines with the moisture of rain and creates a humid atmosphere which is predominantly with quality of heat and wetness, heat, and moisture.
Pitta accumulates flowing quality after summer, flows to different parts of the body and aggravates pitta-related diseases. Also, the rainy season is the time of Tridosha imbalance, hence every regimen and food should be Tridosha shamaka (Reducing Tridosha’s)
Some of the Ayurvedic tips make this monsoon a new bloom for your body –
- Tongue craves, but stomach is slow
A beautiful rain is always enjoyed with a hot beverage and oil-fried yummy snacks. It’s always the craving first than the appetite. As the pitta which needs to be in amashaya is in a liquid state and flows all over the body, plenty of food makes your stomach overload and pops up with digestive disturbances. Increasing your digestive fire with spices will enhance Agni in the body. Wine, sour-salt taste, warm soups, and light easily digestible food with little fats can be an appropriate diet for this monsoon. Follow a clean hygienic atmosphere in kitchens. Serve food is always hot. Reboiling and reheating of previous day foods can be avoided
- Slippery floors, fractures and injuries
A humid atmosphere and cold damp floors are headaches if you have small children or an elderly at home. Make sure dry mopping Is recommended or vacuum dusting will be enough for this season rather than wet mops. Room aroma fumigators will be an extra therapy for this climate
- Joints pain and rainy season
Tridosha aggravation can make your creaky joint pain increase, especially in the evenings. Doing an abhyanga with karpooradi taila and any vatahara oils will make your joints relax.
- Rotten fish-smelling clothes
A humid atmosphere and wet clothes are a big headache for every household chore. Every space of your home can be a cloth hanger in this season. If clothes are wet and folded in almirah, rotten fish-smelling clothes are the result and any fragrant cloth washer cannot remove its smell. Sun or blow-drying with fumigation removes this up to a limit.
- Did I gain weight or my clothes?
It’s difficult for you to put on your tight-shaped cut dress as your body can get inflamed in this season, can keep those clothes for the winters. Let your body breathe, wear light-coloured loose dresses and enjoy the rains in your front yard yields you the best vacation.
- Drenched in rain? enjoy the moment
Sometimes drenching in rain may not always make you sick, it can give the joy and immunity too. Make sure to get a shower and remove all your wet clothes immediately when you come home. Applying rasnadi choorna to your scalp can give extra protection to your body.
- Your skin overreacts!!
A damp atmosphere can increase Vata and bring dryness to your skin. Daily abhyanga, if not fullbody, hand – feet and ear lobes application will reduce the dryness of the skin. As rakta dooshya happens, diet and regimens should be balanced in this season
- Overflowing rivers, impending danger
People die due to drowning more, than road traffic accidents in this season. Rivers and lakes show their aggressiveness in this season. Make your loved ones safe by avoiding swimming in this season
- Maahendra Jala/Rainy water is not always clean
Rainwater is the most polluted in the rainy season. As the atmosphere is polluted, avoid rainwater if you think your area is polluted. Also, avoid refrigerated water. Filtered water / hot water / Ginger water/pepper water makes your body clean.
- Seasonal fever and infections
Cold and fever in the rainy season are the worst affected in this season. Taking a tulsi chai, and getting pudina steam with ginger water revitalizes your immunity.
- Loose motions and rainy season
Coldness accumulates Kapha in grahani area and bacterial infections can make your stomach upset and can lead to loose motions and stomach pain. Taking hot foods appropriate to the regimen can avoid these problems.
- Footwears, Umbrella, masks and towels
Remember to carry an umbrella and wear footwear (avoid shoes) to give extra protection for your body. Masks protect you from an infection. Carrying a towel or tissue wipes out the extra moisture or sweat and makes your skin free of pimples.
- No morning walks, do an indoor sport /exercise
Mornings are the laziest in the rainy season with cool winds. An outpouring rain will always make you to curl inside your blanket. Doing an indoor exercise or sport reduces your inflamed body and makes you extra active. Always use a separate clean towel for the face and body post-exercise to maintain hygiene this season. Have a hot shower after a few minutes of relaxation and hot food makes your body to feel in heaven this monsoon…