Hello Guys,
In your wildest dreams too you might not have thought, I could talk. Well, umm …I can talk. Probably faster and quicker than you as I’m more systematic, disciplined and does my daily work outs everyday. Well, let me share my story with you.
My Birth:
I have taken birth from my mother (Ms. ventral foregut endoderm/part of embryo). After my origin, she changes into hepatic diverticulum to nurture all my further growths (gives rise to liver cells). Major blood cells are actually my contribution.
Then, I start to grow and attain my maturity by 2 years and my residence is at upper right junction of abdomen, near underbridge of diaphragm. My mother says I have cone shape, almost size of football, I play and looks handsome in dark red coat.
I weigh more in males and less in females.
What I do:
I work as a warehouse manager, cleaner and shipper (Body metabolism and
People know very less about what Iam. Let me remove your wrong beliefs first.
- Myth: Liver is an organ, it doesn’t grow
- Fact: Liver is the largest internal organ, it can regenerate even when 90 % of it is removed. But some diseases harm it beyond repair
- Myth: Liver diseases !! You might be having alcohol a lot.
- Fact: Its not importWant to be alcoholic to have a liver dysfunction. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other liver diseases are common among non alcoholics and women too.
- Myth: Skin health is good with skincare routines and makeup’s, Liver does the function of metabolism and filtration only
- Fact: Liver cells give energy to your skin cells. Poor liver function damages skin with rashes and dark patches.
- Myth: Liver detoxifies itself, there is no need of extra detoxification.
- Fact: Eventhough liver detoxifies itself, our foods add an extra mile when it is added with fibres and Ayurveda herbs
- Myth: Ayurvedic medicines are liver deadly.
- Facts: Ayurvedic medicines are the most liver friendly when taken under a medical supervision. But it should never be taken without an ayurvedic physicians advice.
- Myth: Female hormones are related with uterus and ovaries, not related with liver
- Facts: Low level of estrogens affect liver functioning leading to a higher risk of fatty liver disease in females
- Myth: Fatty liver is not reversible, has to live with the same
- Facts: Fatty liver is a common condition associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes or heavy drinking. It is often reversible with healthy food and exercise
- Myth: Ayurvedic liver supplements are a myth
- Facts: Ayurveda is never a myth, so is the supplements. Guduchi / Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is a wonder drug of ayurveda for a healthy liver. Also There are many other patent ayureda medicines which are good liver supplements too
So, how you can save me from above all critical conditions
- In Ayurveda, liver is called as yakrit, often treated on the principle of udara roga (abdominal disorder). As liver is the site of pitta dosha, salt and sour foods are avoided as it increases pitta.
- Milk and ghee can reduce the effects of pitta, hence include in diet.
- Takra / buttermilk is the best dietary choice to reduce pitta in stomach.
- Cloves, avocados, blueberries can be included in diet.
- Also do regular exercise and yoga
- Do an annual Panchakarma and rasayana therapy.
‘’Liver is the only organ in body that can regenerate. But it wont regenerate on its own, it needs some help from us, from the foods that we eat or we don’t eat”