Blaming pollution and industrialization for the extinction of Ayurveda drugs needs to be an old story. The new stories must be written by us on our terraces and backyards through Ayurveda farming. Tissue culture can be focused on to grow endangered species herbs too.
1947, was the year when the Britishers had to leave India accepting their defeat. Hardly did we know about our invaluable treasures they took with them. Ayurveda was one of the treasures, which got suffocated with the deliberate destruction of our lifestyle and the introduction of modern medications. It’s time that we dust off the ashes from it and start from scratch, to bring it to a new level in this society. It might be difficult at first, but it is not impossible to do so.
Everything begins from home, including life. That’s where we need to concentrate to correct from the basics. Ayurveda is a science which focuses mainly on Swasthya- being healthy rather than the treatment of diseases. To begin with, each and every family member should be made aware about the proper dinacharya and ritucharya, the regimens that are to be followed every day and in each season in order to maintain good health. Simple techniques like washing hands and legs before entering a house, bathing after proper oleation, taking upavasa which got famous in the name of ‘intermittent fasting’ are all knowledge of Ayurveda which if practiced can even boost up your immunity. There are many other modifications that can be done in this science. Toothbrushes made from herbal plants and toothpaste made of mango leaves essence can be developed and supplied to every home at low rates. When such ideas are implemented, it can also act as an income for the house makers by starting small-scale businesses. When a day begins with Ayurveda, automatically people will tend to look forward to more of it. Our society has a notion that Ayurveda is all about eating boring vegetables and leading a life like a yogi. Acharya Caraka’s Nitya upayoga dravyas itself throws light to the fact that Ayurveda advises a wholesome diet including meat. Making people aware about the tasty foods that are hidden in our system and promoting them to modify it to use daily are important. The newspapers and magazines should also open a column for such diets which can create a wide awareness among the general population and encourage them to practice it more. The diets that come under Viruddha ahara should be given much importance since this is a society that dwells in diseases of skin and immunological disorders. Moreover, disease-specific diets derived from Ayurveda also need to be practiced by the common man in order to prevent the diseases from exacerbating.
The next problem that needs to be tackled is the unavailability of herbs in this present era. Blaming pollution and industrialization for the extinction of Ayurveda drugs needs to be an old story. The new stories must be written by us on our terraces and backyards through Ayurveda farming. Tissue culture can be focused on to grow endangered species herbs too. Biotechnology can also be incorporated into Ayurveda farming which can lead to the development of herbs that have more potency within a short time interval. The Ayurveda pharmacy of the locality might get enough herbs from their own area if this idea is accomplished, which can reduce the production cost of such medicines thus leading to an affordable rate to Ayurveda medicines.
All these can be achieved when proper communication between people having knowledge about Ayurveda and common people happens in a fruitful manner. Brochures and booklets should be made available about the common procedures in Ayurveda to prevent people from falling into the traps of quackery. For example, there are procedures that can be done at home for the care of both child and mother after delivery. If proper information is passed on, people will not eat tons of lehya and get fat in the name of Ayurveda and end up being obese in later stages of life. Likewise, there must be an Ayurveda emergency kit in every home. Through such public servants like AASHA workers, both awareness and implementation of these ideas can happen effectively. Ayurveda also includes Yoga which is a ‘hot topic’ globally. Every house needs to have a Yoga session together every day which can be the solution to keeping a healthy mind in this busy world. Ayurveda is not only for humans. While Pashu Ayurveda deals with your pets, Vriksha Ayurveda satisfies those with green fingers. Thus, Ayurveda targets your family, to maintain their health and fight against the diseases affecting them.
Har Ghar Ayurveda can be a great success only when the whole country can practise it easily. More mobile applications need to be developed in this country which can supply Ayurveda medicines and diets at affordable rates. This can attract people to fall for Ayurveda because of its convenience. Since this world currently works on creating a visual impact all this knowledge needs to be promoted through all social media including cartoons and serials to shake people to awareness. Both the Central Government and the State Government should also show interest in making Ayurveda a habit that can change into a revolution in future.
This is a world that runs around the clock to meet their expectations rather than their needs. Ayurveda along with Yoga tries to encourage them to slow down a bit and lets them see those aspects of life which they can visualize only when they slow down. Being healthy, leading a healthy lifestyle are practices that are easier said than done. This ancient science helps us to initiate those to expand it in future to create a healthy world. As the famous American author Sir David Frawley said “As long as we are not living in harmony with nature and our constitution, we cannot expect ourselves to be really healed. Ayurveda gives us the means”.
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