Diabetes/ madhumeha is as old as human culture & tradition. Early eras of diabetes were connected with the kidney, later scientists found out it was connected with pancreas. Previously it was a disease of developed countries. India over the years also acquired this disease onto the ladder of development.
Mythology & History
According to purana, the first patient of diabetes was Lord Ganesha. Owing to sweet foods like modaka, heavy body and “no vyayama” routine, Lord suffered from Diabetes symptoms. Ganesha’s father Lord Shiva was believed to have been treated same with kapitha and shiva gutika.
In shounakiya Samhita while describing karmaja vyadhi, and also in garuda and agni purana, there are references on madhumeha. Also explained in Charaka Samhita, Susruta samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Harita Samhita and Bhela Samhita.
In Charaka, instincts of treating a rich and poor pramehi also explained. Adhana/poor pramehi was advised to dig a well on his strength or go on a holy pilgrimage barefoot. In ancient Egyptian and Chinese scriptural references there is mention of a disease which causes excess urination. Later it was mentioned that all body fats and bones flow out in excess urination. And with this ‘flowing out’ meaning, Greek physicians named it as – “Diabetes”.
Factors for diabetes are garbhakala asatmyata/intrauterine influence hence proving the genes are important for diabetes formation. The main factors are shaithilya (poor muscle and adipose firmness), Meda asrita (dysfunctional adipocytes), madhura agraha (sweet tooth), kapha Chaya (accumulation of sero – mucoid), kapha prakopa (aggravation of biofilms), mamsavahasroto dushti (hepatomuscular infiltration), meda vridhi (adiposity), avyayama (no exercise), medovaha srotodushti (adipose tissue inflammation), kleda dushti (excess of extracellular fluid) etc. Inspite of these, symptoms and factors all depends on individuals prakruti.
A research activity conducted under Central research institute, Jaipur, the frequency of kapha with vata/pitta was much more than pure pitta / kapha / with vata . Hence response to Nisha amalaki was better in kapha patients.
Another study at BHU revealed a strong correlation of blood glucose with prakruti. In another study, an association was also found between type 2 diabetes mellitus and CT genotype. Hence all these studies proved risk, onset, and severity of complications in diabetes.
Also, various studies conducted linked obesity with diabetes. So, genomics provided a strong connection with disease. While studying diabetes from the perspective of human biology, strong genomics were linked to disease w.r.t pathyahara vihara and prakruti.
However, personalized prevention and management of the metabolic syndrome can influence its progression to diabetes by identifying prakruti with objective genomics or metabolic markers.
Food and Components
For many years nutrition and diets have played an important role in the development of many chronic disorders and consumption of a diet rich in saturated fats and high consumption of fast food have been linked to type 2 diabetes. Also, oxidative stress and inflammation are associated with type 2 diabetes. Dietary patterns including traditional, healthy, Mediterranean, and western dietary patterns have great attention in the evaluation of relationship between diet and health. Some research carried out has shown significance of western food mainly processed meats and fast foods linked to type 2 diabetes, but traditional foods had a positive impact on diabetes.
Hence high quality evidence associated with incidence of type 2 diabetes with moderate alcohol consumption, cereal fiber, whole grains, red meat, processed meat, sugar and sweetened beverages.
Socioeconomic status and Type 2 Diabetes
In developing countries, socioeconomic status and type 2 diabetes remains negative wherein gender, economic development and income played a critical role in type 2 diabetes.
Regional Imbalance
The diverse natural environment also had a strong connection with type 2 diabetes. Hence geographical diversity of studied regions had an impact on health. Fish intake in Europe and North America was within recommended healthy levels, but in Asian countries it was related with decreased risk. Sometimes, genetics, type of fish and way of cooking might have contributed to the same.
Also the presence of organic pollutants and gut ecosystems also contributes to type 2 diabetes.
Role of Genetics
Although non-genetic factors play a major role, susceptibility to disease varies between individuals, possibly concluding that the result is due to heredity as well. Varied studies on genomics found hereditary positive response was helpful in finding out pharmaco drug response and firsthand failure of certain drugs in type 2 diabetes.
Role of Ayurveda in Genetics Modification
Starting from garbha sanskar to various other samskaras aimed at improving the quality of genes. Hence traditional Ayurveda recipes can surely reverse genetic predisposition in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
So, it’s always good to remember – “A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits”