Drastic changes in lifestyle & ecosystem worldwide, is affecting the health and immunity of the mankind. Hence the positive changes should be made as much as we can, by following the lifestyle methods mentioned in traditional sciences to maintain a good immunity. In Ayurveda, the factors which contribute to good immunity are the balanced state of Doshas, Dhatus, Agni, patency of Srotas and balanced state of all the physiological parameters.
Chakras are a part of physiological parameters in our body.
Chakras (Energy Centres) are the part of human body which recieve, generate, store and transmute energy throughout our body. The original meaning of word “Chakra” is wheel which refers to Chariot wheels of the Rulers called Chakravartins.
There are 7 major Chakras and several minor Chakras. Some Authors and Yogis believe that there are 114 minor Chakras in the body.
Importance of Chakras
When these Chakras are imbalanced or blocked, they depress the immune system along with affecting the body by causing various other diseases. By decreasing the lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cells activity in an individual, it affects the immunity of a person. Chakras help in improving the immune function of body by balancing the endocrine system and by promoting healthy energy flow.
- Unhealthy food
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits
- Suppression of emotions
- Neglecting your feelings
- Chronic stress / fear
- Controlling natural urges.
- Excess usage of mobile phones/ gadgets
Chakras related with Immunity are mentioned below
Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)
Symbol: 4 Petal Lotus Flower, a Square and Downward Facing Triangle
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Base of the Spine between Anus and Genitals.
Signs and symptoms of imbalanced Root Chakra:
Immune system issues, Weight loss/Gain, Chronic fatigue, Poor circulation, Lack of confidence, Depression/anxiety etc.
How to heal / balance Root Chakra:
- Healthy routine
- Get out in nature and ground yourself
- Food: Eat root vegetables/ red foods like cherries, beetroot etc.
- Wear crystals like Tigers eye, Black tourmaline etc.
- Chant mantra ‘Lam’
- Practice meditation
- Yoga poses: Vrkshasana (Tree pose), Mountain pose (Tadasana)
- Aromatherapy: Patchouli, Frankincense e.o
- Practice gratitude
- Exercise
Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
Symbol: Two Triangles intersecting to form a Yantra inside, Outside there is Lotus
flower with 12 petals
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Location: In Heart Region, Associated with Thymus Gland
Signs and symptoms of imbalanced Heart Chakra:
Heart Stroke, Shortness of Breath, Hypertension, Fear, Depression etc.
How to heal / balance Heart Chakra:
- Lifestyle changes like Hiking, Eating & Wearing colour Green
- Food: Spinach, brocolli, kiwi, green apple
- Crystals: Rose quartz, Malachite etc.
- Chanting mantra ‘Yam’ Practicing meditation
- Yoga Asana: Dhanurasana (Bowpose), Camel pose (Ustrasana), Matsyasana (Fish pose).
- Aromatherapy: Bergamot, Jasmine lavender e.o.
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)
Symbol: 16 petal Lotus flower surrounding an inverted triangle with a circle within
Colour: Blue
Element: Space
Location: Base of the Throat, Associated with Thyroid Gland.
Signs and symptoms of imbalanced Throat Chakra:
Laryngitis, Sore Throat, Ear Infections, Ulcers, Dental Problems and Timidity etc.
How to heal / balance Throat Chakra:
- Breathing Exercises
- Journalling
- Food: Coconut water, honey, green apple, plum etc.
- Crystals: Turquoise, Blue lace Agate etc.
- Chanting mantra ‘Ham’
- Practicing meditation
- Yoga poses: Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand pose), Halasana (Plough pose)
- Aromatherapy: Pepper mint, Cypress e.o
The 11 minor Chakras associated with immune system:
- Sanjivani Chakra
- Ayus Chakra
- Ojash Chakra
- Vinayak Chakra
- Vignesh Chakra
- Madhu Chakra
- Sudha Chakra
- Harsha Chakra
- Dripta Chakra
- Urja Chakra and
- Atharva Chakra.
These Chakras strengthen White blood cells – T cells, B- cells and NK cells to boost immunity. Among these Chakras, Sanjivani, Ayus, Ojash, Madhu and Sudha Chakras enhance T- cells. Vinayak, Vignesh, Harsha, Dripta, Urja and Atharva Chakra enhances B-cells.
How to Heal Imbalanced Minor Chakras:
- Breathing Exercises
- Journalling
- Food: Coconut water, honey, green apple, plum etc.
- Crystals: Turquoise, Blue lace Agate etc.
- Chanting mantra ‘Ham’
- Practicing meditation
- Yoga poses: Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand pose), Halasana (Plough pose)
- Aromatherapy: Pepper mint, Cypress e.o
According to the tradition of Yoga, the Chakras are vital centres of energy that exist in all of us. Though they are not visible, but they are essential for maintaining immunity and health. Subtle energy is a healing energy that anyone can learn to perceive and utilise for better immunity and wellbeing of mankind.
“If we remain humble and grounded in nature’s wisdom, our mind will guide us safely through the confines of unawareness and the blindness of ignorance”
– Erik Pevernagie