As our globe is dealing with the corona pandemic since the last 6 months, the majority of ayurvedic medicines and home remedies have got popular among laymen in order to battle against corona symptoms and to increase immunity as well. So, in this article” Boost Ourselves with The Home Remedies, I’m mentioning a few quick, practical and very useful home remedies of some basic respiratory system disorders.
1) Common cold (Pratishyaya) –
- Cut ginger root into small pieces and roast in cow’s pure ghee, chew it 4-5 times a day to get rid of the running nose.
- Take 1Tsp of fresh ginger juice and add 1/2Tsp of honey to it, consume it once a day.
- Take turmeric powder and carom seeds (ajwain) 10-10 gms each, boil into 200ml water until becomes half, now add a desirable amount of jaggery and drink this decoction twice a day.
- Take 5 tulsi leaves, 2 cloves, 1 piece of ginger root, 4 black peppers crush them well and boil in 200 ml water until gets half, add a desirable amount of jaggery and drink twice a day.
- Instil 2-2 drops of cow’s pure ghee into both the nostrils to restrict the entry of foreign particles through nasal airways, this quick remedy is specifically beneficial in case of allergic rhinitis.
2) Cough (Kasa Roga) –
- Roast cardamom seeds and cloves in heating pan till they become fragrant, crush into a fine powder and consume it twice a day with honey.
- Dry pomegranate fruit peels in sunlight and grind into a fine powder, consume it twice a day with honey to get rid of repetitive coughing.
- In case of sore throat take 1Tsp of amla powder and honey thrice a day, it’ll leave a great soothing effect in the throat region.
- In case of dry coughing, boil 5 long peppers (pippali) in milk, add some unrefined sugar (sarkara) and drink it once a day.
- In case of cough and congestion in the chest, rub lukewarm ghee and rock salt (sindhav) gently over the chest region, it’ll promote liquefication of congested cough and will help to expel mucus through the mouth.
3) Asthama (Shwasa Roga) –
Asthama is definitely not a disease to get treated only by home remedies, patients need to seek medical advice and proper Ayurveda medication. But here are some home remedies which promotes immediate and miraculous effects in asthma symptoms.:
- Gentle rubbing of Lukewarm sesame oil (Tila taila) and rock salt(sindhav) over the chest region contributes instant comfort by relieving cough congestion.
- Add a few camphor cubes (Karpura) in boiling water and inhale its fumes 2-3 times a day, it will help to relieve breathlessness.
- Take fresh juices of beetroot, carrot, cabbage and green flat beans ( valor papdi), heat a little bit and add a pinch of rock salt(sindhav), drink it every day in chronic asthma.
- Take fresh juices of ardusi leaves (vasa) and ginger root and consume with honey two times a day for better results.
4) Fever (Jwara) –
Although fever is not a respiratory disorder but it is commonly associated with the common cold and cough so mentioning its remedies over here becomes essential and truly useful.
- Langhana (fasting) – In case of any basic fever one should take light and easily digestible diet in order to promote rest to the digestive system, langhana therapy will kindle your jatharagni (digestive fire) and hence will digest ama (undigested food) which leads to detoxification of body and pacification of fever.
- Take the lukewarm mixture of 1Tsp of aloe vera juice and 1/2Tsp of turmeric powder for the pacification of fever.
- Consuming 2gms of dried neem leaves powder along with honey or warm water once a day will surely benefit in fever.
- In case of fever due to heatstroke or exhaustion, gentle rubbing of bottle gourd peels on foot soles is helpful.
- Prepare a mixture of 2gms of roasted cumin seeds powder (jeera) and jaggery and take it 3-4 times a day for better results in fever.
Above mentioned remedies are not specifically written for corona infection. One should definitely seek professional medical advice in confirmed corona cases, but these remedies will surely help to get rid from initial signs and symptoms of respiratory tract disorders which we face oftenly in our day to day life.