Dr. Hetal S. Gusai

BAMS, M.D. Kaumarbhritya (Ayu.), Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarbhritya, State Model Government Ayurved College, Kolavada, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Nowadays, lifestyle disorders are emerging rapidly worldwide. The prevalence of such diseases are increasing in children also. Diabetes is one of the most challenging and emerging disease entities in children as it needs a total routine management along with strict medical care to have a good life. “Ayurveda – A science of life” has also described such diseases in children with some special emphasis. A specialty in Ayurveda called as Kaumarbhritya deals with such conditions. Diabetes is classified in three main types as (a) Type 1 Diabetes, (b) Type 2 Diabetes and (c) Gestational Diabetes. This classification is based on…

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