Prof (Dr) Deepty Nair

MD, YIC, CSM, PGDCFT, PhD Scholar Hod, Swasthavritta Department, RK University Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Rajkot, Gujarat

Yoga was founded around 2nd century B.C. with the prime motto of attaining Moksha. Later, Yoga gained popularity as a spiritual instrument. Recently global acceptance of Yoga has been growing. With observance of June 21st as International Day of Yoga, the benefits of Yoga has been globalized. Besides spirituality, clinical benefits of Yoga have been explored and extensive researches are being carried out in this field. Benefits of Yoga are multi-faceted. It can be used for health promotion, disease prevention and cure. Unlike exercise, Yoga involves not only physical movements but also the mind. To derive maximum benefit of yoga,…

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In today’s fast running world the most neglected and exploited thing is our body. We appropriately schedule the servicing and maintenance of our vehicles and other gadgets without any fail. However, we never even give a thought that even our body needs a maintenance or recharging. According to Yoga science the body functions are maintained by the vital energy, Prana. This prana flows through the minute channels called Nadi. These nadis may be obstructed due to the unhealthy diet and lifestyle followed in the current scenario. To ensure uninterrupted flow of Prana through the nadis, purification therapies are mentioned in…

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Winter is characterized by a good physical strength and digestive functioning. However, due to the extreme cold environment aches, pain and stiffness are common during winters. Further, incidence of respiratory infections is high during winters and, to some extent, gastro – intestinal infections also. Simple yoga practices can help keep oneself active and healthy during winters. Sookshma Vyaayaama & Stretching Exercises These practices will prevent the pain & stiffness, characteristic of the winters, and improve the flexibility of the joints. Sookshma Vyaayaama includes the following: Neck Bending Forward and Backward Bending/Stretching: Stand with the feet 2-3 inches apart. Keep your…

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Immunity is the body’s defense mechanism which helps to prevent the onset of disease and to enhance the process of healing. According to Ayurveda, three main sources of immunity include: Sahaja balam: Natural immunity derived as a result of genetic composition Kaalaja balam: Immunity dependent on age and seasonal factors Yuktikrita balam: Derived from adoption of healthy diet & lifestyle The very aim of Yoga has been mentioned as Samaadhi bhaavanaartham: Guides towards spiritual uplifting Klesha tanu karanaartham: Reduces the klesha (diseases/discomforts) In clinical practice, the second aim of yoga is more focused upon. Application of Yoga has been found…

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Mind and body are not separate entities, rather are interwoven. As explained in Ayurveda, the body is like a mud pot and the mind is like ghee. Whether the heated ghee is poured into a mud pot or unheated ghee is poured into a heated mud pot, resultantly both transfer their virtues and both become equally affected. Similarly, mental afflictions are reflected on the physical body and vice-versa. Such pyscho-somatic manifestations of the disease have been much researched and established. The origin of Yoga was itself to address the distractions of mind. As defined by Acharya Patanjali, “Yoga is a…

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The human body is derived from the food which the individual consumes. The quality of food not merely decides the nutrition but also regulates the thoughts and resultant actions of the person. That is why it is rightly said, “we are what we eat”. Nutrition is important to maintain the normal functioning of the body as well as to develop immunity. Concepts like Balanced Diet, Healthy plating etc. have been much talked about. However, there are various factors, apart from a healthy meal, which decides appropriate nutrition, effective digestion is most important among them. For effective cooking, combining the ingredients…

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The word Yoga refers to union or bond. Immediately after detection of pregnancy a bonding is initiated between the mother & the fetus. This bond is further strengthened postpartum through the act of breastfeeding. Breast milk production and expression is regulated by adequate breast stimulation and the influence of hormones most important being prolactin and oxytocin. Postpartum period is very challenging, the mother coping up with the physical changes in the body and wanting to nurse the baby simultaneously. Sleep disturbances, emotional incontinence, irritability, stress etc. are commonly observed during this period. Such psychological factors can have a negative influence…

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With the growing globalization of Yoga, the clinical benefits of this science have been deeply explored. Yoga is being widely used not only as a fitness tool but also as a therapeutic modality. Clinical approach of Yoga is based on the Panchakosha theory. In general, the origin of any disease is believed to be at the Manomaya Kosham as all the deeds of a person are driven by emotions. Under such influences, often the Vijnanamaya Kosham is affected, and the person loses the discriminative power and indulges in non-judicious factors like diet, lifestyle, addictions etc. As a result, the physiological…

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Yoga darshan being one among the six Indian philosophical systems, Yoga has always been an integral part of Indian culture. Yoga was founded by Acharya Patanjali as a medium of attaining Moksha (Salvation), by gaining mastery over one’s physical body, sense organs and the mind. However, with years of experience and researches the role of Yoga in promotion of physical and mental health has been established. Since 2014, International Day of Yoga is being celebrated every year on 21st June marking the transition from Uttarayanam to Dakshinayanam, this day being the longest day in the northern hemisphere. This year we…

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As the summer is growing mightier day by day, everyone is looking out for options to stay cool. Just like we change our attire to comfort ourselves in different seasons, similarly our diet and lifestyle needs to be tailored accordingly to stay healthy. Summer is characterized by hot, penetrating sun rays which makes the earth look like it is burning with heat. So strong are the sun rays that fire breaks out in forests, the water bodies dry up, trees shed their leaves, and all life forms becomes restless due to the extreme environment. In the body of living beings…

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