In Ayurveda immunity is known as Vyadhishamatva; Sahaja bala; Kalaja bala; Yuktikrita bala; Ojas; Immunity. The word VYADHIKSHAMATVA is made up of two words; Vyadhi (disease) and Kshamatva (suppress or overcome). According to Ayurveda, Vyadhi is a condition which come into existence as consequence of non-equilibrium between Doshas (physiological factors i.e., vata, pitta & kapha), Dhatus (tissues systems) and Malas (excretory products of body). These factors in their normal status are responsible in maintaining the physical and psychological health. The other word, “Kshamatva” is derived from, “Kshamus sahane” which means to be patient or composed to suppress anger, to keep…