Hypoplastic Uterus is a Rare Pathology, i.e., in less than 5% of women, where the Uterus is underdeveloped. The uterus size is less than usual, i.e., – 7cms. Congenital or acquired causes can cause it. In Ayurveda, it can be diagnosed as Garbhashayagata kshayaja vyadhi.
A 31-year-old married Nulliparous female with 6 years of married life visited our Hospital as she was anxious to conceive. Her complaints were Amenorrhea for 1-2 years, Indigestion, Chronic Stress, low backache, insomnia, Anxiety, Vaginal dryness, and Dyspareunia.
Past History:
The patient has been normal Since her Childhood & Menarche. She got Married at the age of 24 years. The patient has a history of Irregular and scanty menses after marriage and a complete absence of menses for the last 1-2 years. She underwent a miscarriage in 2nd month of pregnancy within a year of marriage. She has been taking contemporary medicines for the Past 2-3 years and tried another local system of medicines, too, and didn’t get any relief, so she came to our Hospital with the hope of getting relief.
A Person is called Healthy not only when Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, and Agni are in Equilibrium condition but also when the Manas (Mind) Should be in Normal condition, in the presence of Atma for the proper and healthy state of Shareera (Body).
In this clinical case, Stress was the leading cause of her health condition. As explained by the patient, she was going through Familial problems, and the patient was disturbed by people’s belief that Being 31 years of age is too old for someone to get pregnant. She might have reached the age of menopause, and people advised her to Accept it.
Considering the fact that the patient believes what people are saying that she has reached menopause, The patient was not menstruating, we Planned for Satvavajaya chikitsa (Ayurvedic psychotherapy), Panchakarma and Bheshaja chikitsa (Ayurveda medicines) to treat her.
Satvavajaya Chikitsa:
The word Satvavajaya chikitsa here Refers to Satwa, which means Mana (mind), and Avajaya, which means conquering or winning over.
Hence, Satvavajaya means to have control over the mind and thus abstain from the things that are not Good for our Health.
Implementation of Satvavajaya Chikitsa (Ayurvedic Psychotherapy):
The patient was given
- Assurance that she will return to her normal healthy state and can be cured if she remains positive and trusting in the process.
Dhee Chikitsa (Uplifting Intelligence):
- Ability to understand positive/negative thoughts from people’s negative words. And Staying positive.
- Dhairya Chikitsa: Boosting Confidence: She explained that she is good at whatever she does in her life and that she has to prioritize her Health and well-being instead of listening to what people say.
Atma Vijnyana Chikitsa (Spiritual Awakening):
- Realizing her Self worth and Self-love by reading Spiritual books and Watching Spiritual vlogs. Meditation, Conscious and Healthy Eating etc were advised.
Yoga Asanas:
She was advised to do Pranayama, Surya namaskar, Chakki Chalanasana (Mill churning pose), Balasana (Child’s pose), Titali Asana (Butterfly pose), etc.
Cow’s Milk, Seasonal fruits, Cow’s ghee, Homemade sweet Dishes made with Jaggery, Ash Gourd, Organic eggs, kalonji seeds, Fatty fish etc.
USG Report findings and Laboratory Reports:
Before Treatment:
19/01/23: MRI pelvis scan: Uterus size: 4.8* 3.8* 2.3 cms
With Indistinct Endometrial lining, not visualized.
Serum FsH:-150.12 mIu/ ml
After Treatment:
23/2/24: USG Abdomen and pelvis scan: Uterus Size: 6.6* 2.4* 4.1 cms
Endometrial thickness- 8mm
Serum FsH:-100.722 mIU/ ml
The Patient is satisfied with the improvement in Her General Health and Stress management; she regained her Strength and luster on her skin, looks moderately built now, Had gained weight; symptoms like Indigestion, insomnia, Stress, anxiety are relieved; she got Scanty menses 3 times since we started her treatment for a period of 2 days and her USG reports Shows Drastic Change in uterus size back to normal size and Good changes in her hormones. And also Got relief from vaginal dryness etc. She is under treatment for Further management of Regulating her menses to normal and to treat her infertility.
Finding the above-diseased condition psychosomatic, Satvavajaya chikitsa was given, and the patient Got Significant results and improved her Health with Self-love and Healing.
“In Ayurveda, We do not Treat the Disease;
We treat the Patient who is Suffering from the Disease.”
– Dr. Vasant Lad.