Menopause, a time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It is indeed a transition period in womanhood. World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of menopause. But one must realize that the PAUSE is only for menstruation. This period or journey through menopause can be different to each woman. The Physical and mental changes in this period can be tiresome for many. Many women are unable to cope with the changes. Embracing this journey and accepting the changes is the first step to victory.
The common changes were seen in the postmenopausal period:
- Sleep changes
- Reduced energy level
- Hot flashes
- Vaginal dryness
- Weight gain
- Mood changes
- Slow metabolism
The physical, mental, social, and emotional dimensions of health are affected in the period of menopause. This can result in reduced quality of life. Yoga can act as the best companion during this PAUSE. Restorative yoga can bring profound changes in women’s health.
- Supta baddha konasana
Also called a reclining bound angle pose. It is a restorative yoga pose that calms the mind and gently opens the hips.
Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring the bottom of your feet together. Bring the feet as close to the pelvis. Let your hands lie next to your hips.
- This Asana relieves fatigue and energizes your whole body
- This posture has influence over the reproductive system and hence helps in soothing the menopausal problems
- This yoga pose can improve the proper functioning of the endocrine system
- Parvatasana
Also called as Mountain Pose. This is excellent yoga for women in the perimenopause stage.
Sit in Vajrasana. Slowly lean forward. Place both hands, palm facing downward on the mat. Raise your buttocks and lower your head. Place both feet flat on the mat. Straighten the elbows and balance the weight evenly on palms and fingers. The head should come in between arms, to form a mountain top.
- This pose stretches upper back and legs
- Improve metabolism
- Enhances blood circulation
3.Vipareetakaranai mudra
It is considered as an asana as well as mudra
Lie on your back. Inhale and raise your legs to 45-degree angle. Then raise your legs further to 90-degree angle. Support the buttocks region with both hands and bend your legs to a horizontal position. Then slowly straighten your legs. Maintain the posture. Exhale and bring down your legs.
- Relaxes feet
- Invigorates whole body
- Reduce stress
- Regulates endocrine functions
- Improves blood supply to abdominal and pelvic areas.
- Setubandhasana
This pose strengthens the pelvic area and massages the reproductive organs. The bridge pose tones up the waist and hip regions and strengthens them.
Lie down on your back. Gently bend both knees and place your feet on the ground. Place your hands on the ground parallel to your body and try to hold your respective ankle. Then slowly lift the body off the ground. Inhale and lift chest region, pelvis and keep thighs parallel to each other. Maintain the posture for 10-20 seconds.
Breathing technique-
Straight leg raise breathing is one of the best breathing techniques for Perimenopause, menopause and postmenopausal period.
This can be done in three forms. Method-Lie on back.
- Single leg raises breathing-Slowly inhale and raise the right leg to 45-degree angle. Then slowly exhale and bring down the leg. Complete 10 rounds on the right side. Then repeat the same on the left side.
- Alternate leg raises breathing-Slowly inhale and raise right leg. Then exhale and bring it down. Then inhale and raise the left leg and exhale and bring down. Alternate leg raise can be done to the count of 20.
- Both legs raise breathing-Slowly inhale and raise both legs, then slowly exhale and bring down both legs. Complete 10 rounds.
The changes during menopause can be compared to the transition stages of a caterpillar to a butterfly. Perhaps, the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and yet become something beautiful. All women are like butterflies and we just need to understand menopause, accept the changes and be ready to spread our wings.
All women need a supporting companion during this difficult phase. Make Yoga, your new friend and transform yourself to inspire the world.
The changes, The highs and lows, and the hormonal shifts, there is power in that
-Michelle Obama