Respiration is an essential life process, which has a role even at the cellular level. Our lungs provide oxygen and keep all organs and systems functioning. But we know that, in today’s world, respiratory health is reducing day by day. Increased pollution and dust are creating an unhealthy environment. Respiratory infections like covid-19, influenza is also taking a toll on respiratory health. To overcome this, we need to make our respiratory system strong and healthy.
How do we do that?
It is simple. Take time from your daily schedule to assess your breathing pattern. Then Start conscious deep breathing.
Why Deep Breathing?
Daily we breathe. But we are not aware of the amount of oxygen we inhaled or exhaled. When we do deep breathing techniques or pranayama, we ensure an ample amount of oxygen to our body. More oxygen means your body can work more efficiently. All the organs and systems of your body perform better with deep breathing. Through pranayama ,we can do ideal deep breathing.
- Lung capacity is improved.
- Even Liver and kidneys can do better detoxification.
- Better sleep
- Improved metabolism
- Improved immunity
- Improved cardiovascular health
- Increase energy level. Feel more active and positive.
Not just physical, a proper pranayama can improve your emotional and mental dimension of health. When you breathe better, you think and respond better. You will be able to tackle the daily stress in a calm manner.
Before you start:
- Selection of a suitable place for pranayama practice is important. The place should be calm with good natural lighting and fresh air.
- Pay attention to your Body posture during pranayama. Always sit erect with a straight spine and expanded chest.
- Be patient.
- Try to stay focused and practice regularly
- Practice pranayama only on empty stomach
- Ideal time is morning hours
Nadisuddhi pranayama, ujjayi and bastrika pranayama can be considered as the 3 best pranayama for your respiratory health. Each has its own benefits that will keep your respiratory system, body and mind strong and healthy.
So let us find out more.
- Nadisuddhi Pranayama:
As the name suggests, this pranayama practice helps in purifying the energy channels of our body. This technique is also called alternate nostril breathing/anulom vilom pranayama. The Nadis are subtle energy channels. They may get blocked due to unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and toxins. Ida, pingala and sushumna are three important energy channels. The ida nadi represents Chandra and pingala nadi represents Surya. In the right nostril breathing Surya nadi/ pingala nadi is activated, whereas in the left nostril breathing ida nadi/Chandra nadi is activated.
- Nadisuddhi pranayama ensures that the whole body is nourished by an extra supply of oxygen and carbon dioxide will be efficiently expelled
- Improved neuromuscular coordination
- Create physical and mental balance
- Improve blood circulation
- Cleanse all systems of your body
How to perform?
Sit in any meditative posture. Hold nasika mudra in your hand.
Nasika mudra: Fold your index and middle finger. Keep your little finger, ring finger and thumb straight. Always hold nasika mudra in your right hand.
- Start the practice by exhaling through the left nostril.
- Then close the right nostril and slowly inhale through the left nostril. Hold your breath.
- Then slowly exhale through the right nostril. Keeping the left nostril closed, slowly inhale through the right nostril. Hold your breath.
- Then slowly exhale the left nostril. This completes 1 round. Try to perform 7 rounds.
2.Ujjayi Pranayama
This pranayama is called as victorious breath. It is the pranayama that gives freedom from all bondages. It is also known as Ocean breathing due to its ocean wave-like sound. The sound is produced due to friction of the throat with air.
How to perform?
- Slowly close the mouth and constrict the throat.
- Make a slow and rhythmic inhalation. When the air passes through the constricted throat, a sound is produced. Concentrate on the sound. The sound produced is like a whispering sound.
- Try to hold your breath for a few seconds.
- Then exhale slowly.
- Continue the same process for about 10 rounds.
Benefits of Ujjayi:
- It is a tranquilizing pranayama.
- Improve mindfulness.
- Beneficial in thyroid patients
- Improve lung functioning.
- Reduce inflammations.
- Bastrika Pranayama
The word bastrika means bellows, which is used by blacksmiths to melt metal. Active filling of abdomen and lungs happen during this practice. In bastrika pranayama we do active inhalation and active exhalation. This pranayama has a cleansing action on the body.
How to perform?
- Sit in any meditative posture
- Inhale and raise both arms above head. Then exhale and bring down both arms. The length of inhalation and exhalation should be of the same rhythm. Use the diaphragmatic muscles with full vigor and energy. One can do about 10 cycles.
Following are the benefits:
- Bastrika pranayama energizes and calms the body and mind.
- Improves lung capacity.
- Beneficial for Asthma patients
- Removes blockages and sinus congestions.
- Strengthens and tones abdominal region.
- Drains excess phlegm from lungs.
- Detoxify Body
When you Breathe better, you take the first step forward for a healthy life. So, from today, make sure that you just don’t breathe, but deep breathe. A few minutes of breathing can uplift your body, mind and spirit.
Reconnecting with one’s breathing is the first step in the direction of self-healing and selfrealization.
-Dr.Peter .M.Litchfield