The pandemic has forced people to stay at home and has also taken away walks amidst greenery and breathe of some fresh air. This has got people to indulge in gardening and setting up their little garden at home, so why not upgrade it to a kitchen garden? Herbs and vegetables that are used in everyday cooking can be easily grown at home without much effort or hassle.
Few of the herbs and vegetables that can be grown at home along with their Ayurvedic benefits and nutritional qualities are as follows-
1. Ginger –
A very easy to grow plant, just put in a small rhizome or chunk of ginger into a pot and see how beautifully it grows!
Ginger helps balance Vata & Kapha. It improves- digestion, voice texture, relieves- bloating, hiccups, constipation, cough, nausea, abdominal colic, menstrual cramps, arthritic pain etc. It is a good source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, B-6, Iron and Magnesium. You can use ginger in your cooking or easier make some ginger tea with a dash of Jaggery and relish it one to two times a day.
2. Turmeric-
Another plant of the ginger family, a main ingredient in every Indian household. It can be grown similar to ginger.
This golden goddess balances Vata, Pitta & Kapha. It improves skin complexion. Acts as an immune-modulator, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer. Useful in diabetes, anemia, liver disorders, skin conditions, wound healing, detoxing, respiratory infections etc.
It is a source of calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, Iron, Vitamin C. A pinch of turmeric in cooking, a pinch in warm milk, a pinch in your tea can do oodles of good to your health and immunity.
3. Methi / Fenugreek-
Again a very easy to grow herb, add a few seeds to a pot and watch them grow!!
It pacifies Vata and Kapha. It improves digestion, helps reduce cholesterol, helps relieve constipation, type 2 diabetes, digestive issues etc. It is rich in Vitamin A, C, K, B complex, Calcium and Anti-oxidants.
Make a dish out of methi leaves or add the seeds in your cooking. If you are a diabetic, it is beneficial to consume about 2-4 grams of seeds (can be soaked overnight) or a decoction of the same can be prepared and can be consumed in the morning on empty stomach.
Note: Avoid methi if you have bleeding disorders, during periods.
4. Pudina/Mint-
Pacifies Vata and Kapha and increases Pitta! Yes you heard that right. Though thought as a coolant, it is hot in nature and increases pitta when consumed internally. It improves digestive strength, helps relieve cough and sore throat.
Also helps deal with bad breath (hence you see so many chewing gum brands containing mint or pudina) It is rich in Iron, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin A & C.
Can be consumed in the form of chutney or whole leaves in cooking, can be added in water and consumed throughout the day. Its Paste can be applied externally in case of itching etc. Oil can be applied in case of pain (all pain relief gels contain menthol which is extracted from pudina)
Plant some stalks or stems into a pot and enjoy your own home grown Pudina after a few weeks.
5. Curry Leaves-
An indispensable ingredient of every Indian kitchen. Improves Digestion, Taste perception, and is Anti diabetic, Anti-microbial & Hair tonic. It has excellent anti diabetic effect and 2-3 grams of powder can be consumed everyday as an adjuvant with one’s anti diabetic medicine. It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E, Anti- oxidants, Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron and Magnesium.
Plant stalks of curry leaves and watch it grow into low maintenance small bushy tree
6. Brahmi-
It is a priceless gift Ayurveda has given to the world. The best herb to improve intelligence and memory and also acting as an anti-diabetic and anti-aging.
It balances Vata and Kapha. It improves Memory, intelligence, immunity. Helps in neuropathy, tinnitus, hyper tension, psychiatric disorders, also helps relieve fever, itching, anemia, indigestion, bronchial disorders, cough, cold etc.
It is a source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, Vitamin B & C.
Fresh juice of brahmi up to 15ml. can be consumed everyday (adult dose) as well Leaves can be dried and made into powder also and can be consumed with ghee as a chutney pudi or can be added in cooking. A tea, sabzi or palya also can be prepared with the leaves, can be added to dal as well.
Note: To be avoided in conditions of low heart rate.
Add these easy to grow, low maintenance herbs making your food wholesome, nutritious with the added taste of being home grown!
An added benefit of having a kitchen garden is that Gardening can be an excellent activity for Vata and Kapha prakriti individual.
For Vata individuals, this activity will have a calming effect and help them take things slow, and add a routine and give them some stability.
For Kapha prakriti individuals, it is beneficial as it will get them moving and help them overcome lethargy.
So get moving and create your own garden of wholesome herbs!