Ayurveda Samhitas discuss that milk vitiation occurs either by vitiated dosha or by a combination of doshas.
The importance of Stanya (breast milk) as the primary diet for the growth and development of infants.
Breast milk is the prime source of nourishment to a newborn baby. Breast milk improves the physical as well as mental strength and immunity of the baby. In Ayurveda, a unique concept of Stanya dusti or milk vitiation has been described in which food and activities of the mother affect the quality and quantity of milk. If a mother indulges in an unwholesome diet and lifestyle habits, then the milk gets vitiated and leads to various diseases in her baby. It shows that only treating the symptoms of a baby is not enough, the treatment of vitiated breast milk is equally important. In Ayurveda, certain herbs and formulations are specifically indicated for detoxifying breast milk and improving the quality of milk and growth of the baby along with the liberation of vitiated symptoms.
Importance Of Breast Milk:
Breast milk is a complete food and it provides all the nutrients a baby needs during the 1st 6 months of life. It has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins, protein, fat and everything your baby needs to grow. It is easily digestible due to the presence of special enzymes, lipase, and highquality of whey protein. Breast milk contains several anti-infective substances, protective antibodies, and friendly lactobacilli, which protect the baby against the development of diarrhoea, respiratory illness, and other infection. There is a reduced risk of acute otitis media and necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in breastfed babies. Breastfeeding provides immunological benefits to the baby. Breastfed babies have been shown to develop better protective responses to various vaccines. Breastfed babies are smarter and have been shown to have 8 points higher intelligence quotient (IQ) and enhance visual development. High concentrations of two key long chain fatty acids (Arachidonic acid and DHA) lactose and Salic acid promote brain growth. Breast fed babies are less likely to suffer from caries teeth, type 2 Diabetes mellitus (D.M), obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks and certain cancers during adult life.
According to Ayurveda, the importance of breast milk has been described by various Acharyas. Term Shudhastanya’ has been used for healthy Stanya (breast milk) having properties like Shankhapramane Shweta (shell like white or light yellow), Madhur (Sweet in taste), Laghu (easily digestible), Pathykara, Deepan (appetizer), Jeevaniya, Snehan, Bruhaniya,, Shareeropchya, Balarudhikar, Pushtikar,. Eight types of Stanyadusti described in Charaksamhita. The disease caused by Stanya dusti and its management has been described thoroughly in Samhitas. It is a unique and practical concept mentioned in Ayurveda because Stanya forms inside the mother’s body so qualities of milk will be different as per Aharvihar of mother.
The vitiation of breast milk will affect the health of babies and also affects mother’s health.
Ayurveda also describes the change in quality of breast milk and the adverse effects of vitiated milk on the infant.
Diseases in Children due to vitiation of Breast milk
- Karshyata (Emaciation)
- Charmadala (Dermatitis)
- Balashosha (Emaciation)
- Kukunaka (Conjunctivitis)
- Kamala (Jaundice)
- Atisara (Diarrhea)
- Charmadala, ( skin disorders )
- Ahiputona (Diaper rash)
- Vamana (Vomiting)
- Kasa (Cough)
- Swasa (Dyspnea)
- Jwara (Fever)
Qualities of Ideal Breast Milk
The milk which is normal in color, smell, taste and touch, mixes evenly when it is poured into water is known as pure milk. This milk provides nourishment (pusttikar) and good health (aarogyum) to the child.
According to Acharyas of Ayurveda, shita (cold), clean, free from impurities, sankhabh, sweet in taste, mixes evenly in water, not producing any froth or streaks when mixed in water. This type of milk provides good health, growth and development of the body, and strength to the body.