The development of an individual is compassed of different dimensions like Gross motor, Fine motor, Language, Adaptive etc. Developmental disorder is an emerging challenge in the global health care system. It’s a globally accepted fact that, while addressing a mental and physical development disorder the contribution of multidisciplinary approach of Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, Behavioral, Adaptive, Educational therapies etc. are vitally important. There has been an increased utilization of the Complementary Alternative Medicine for its management. In India, Ayurveda is one of the most widely practiced Complementary and alternative Medicine. ADITHI [Ayurveda and Therapeutic Intervention for Developmental Habilitative Intervention] clinic is a unique multidisciplinary center that deals with specialized and evidence-based therapies incorporating Ayurveda and Yoga. This exceptional approach has gained its recognition for its uniqueness and extensive outreach.
Similar is the status with the CIMCD [Center of Integrated Management of Children with Differential abilities] a center functioning under the department of Kaumarabhritya, V.P.S.V.Ayurveda College Kottakkal which is an initiative of Kerala Ayurveda Studies and Research society.
Foreground of The Clinic
Various innovative protocols like AGASTYA and AyuCALM protocols are implemented in these clinics is key for the success of ATIDHI clinic and CIMCD. The AGASTYA protocol includes Ayurveda drugs, Gut therapy, Ayurveda Standard of Living, Training of parents and Yogic assistance. As the name itself suggests it focuses on lifestyle and parental involvement emphasizing the importance of holistic approach in the development disorder. Likewise, the AyuCALM protocol is designed particularly for children with learning disabilities. These Parental empowerment program, home treatment therapies, Kottakal protocol for the Cerebral Palsy management, AGASTYA protocol and AyuCALM are the management protocol specially designed and implemented for 18 years by Department of Ayurveda Pediatrics [Kaumarabhritya], V.P.S.V Ayurveda College, Kottakal and Dr Dinesh K.S., Professor and Head, Department of kaumarabhritya, V.P.S.V Ayurveda College, Kottakal. This integrated protocol has been followed in various clinics including ATIDHI and CIMCD.
The uniqueness of these clinics didn’t limit with the multidisciplinary management; it also extended its hands towards educating numerous health professionals, teachers, and parents. Over 2000 parents, 150 doctors and 500 teachers have been educated from the clinics and has been contributing to the needed communities. These clinics aim at creating a collaborative environment for well-being of children with the development disorders.
Collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala adds on the academic excellence of ATIDHI Clinic. Through this partnership the clinic has at forefront in the Research and education sector. Moreover, the presentation of AGASTYA protocol at various prestigious universities like Stanford University and the BRICS country conference in Moscow by Dr Dinesh has brought about recognition and acceptance of the protocol which is being adopted in ATIDHI clinic and CIMCD.
Departments Functioning In The Clinics
Special Education Department: The department consists of experts qualified with B. ED in special education who provide a range of services like remedial education for children with intellectual disability. The services and support are through individualized education focusing on the overall development of the children who are mentally, physically, and socially impaired from womb to tomb. The remedies also include the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) where they provide education for bed making, toilet training, grooming, dressing etc.
Educational Therapy Department: This department deals with one-on-one education for children with poor academic skills by Clinical Psychologists. The range of services includes improving reading, writing and arithmetic skills for children with IQ more than 74, who have specific learning challenges. The focus of the department is to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills and develop good study habits.
Occupational Therapy Department: The department provides services for children with physical, sensory or cognitive issues like in the case of Autism spectrum disorders, ADHD etc. They help to remove the barriers affecting physical, social, and emotional needs by improving fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination. Also, educates to manage anger and other social issues through positive behavior and social skills. Department has experienced hands and infrastructure to categorize the 8 types of sense into seekers, sensors, avoiders, and bystanders.
Behavioral Therapy Department: The department deals with Clinical Psychologists aimed at changing the maladaptive behaviors in the conditions like ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders. They help to resolve maladaptive emotional behavior to a healthy behavior through active listening and positive reinforcement. Focus areas include hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention and to socialize the affected children.
Speech and Language Pathology Department: This department works to evaluate, diagnose, and manage various speech, language like echolalia, semantic, pragmatic issues. They also help in improving social communication and swallowing issues in children.
Physiotherapy Department: The spotlight service of the department includes the early intervention unit where various therapy provided helps to improve all the stages included in Gross Motor Function System Expanded and Revised. They also have various functional units that help to support and manage the conditions like Cerebral Palsy.
Ayurveda and Yoga Department: The highlight of this department includes Gut therapy, detoxification, Medhya therapy along with udwartana, Takradhara, Upnaha, Avagaha, Dhmana Nasya, virechana like procedures are provided for the condition like Kaphaavruta prana and Udana vata and Pitta avruta prana and udana vata condition, ADHD, Autism etc. Yoga department provides services like different type of breathing exercise, parental yoga, yoga for children and special yoga’s for learning disability.
ATIDHI and CIMCD are a ray of hope for the children with Developmental disorders, offering an integrated comprehensive management that combines traditional Ayurveda and Yoga with multidisciplinary management practices. Through various research, education, and alliance with prestigious international universities the clinic has opened a new horizon to provide significant contribution to the well-being of children. As the clinic extends its influence, it will be a role model for future integrated health care systems.