English Name: Gooseberry
Latin Name: Phyllanthus emblica Linn. / Emblica officinalis Gaertn.
Hindi Name: आंवला
Family: Euphorbiaceae
We will be more familiar with amla or Indian Gooseberry during winter season. The most common fruit which has got highlighted during this covid era. So let us have a look at that.
Amla or Indian gooseberry is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree which is found throughout India and our neighbouring countries. It is one of the most important and commonly used herbs in Ayurveda and Unani systems of Medicine. Amla is highly nutritious and is one of the richest sources of Vitamin-C. Amla fruit is used extensively in Indian system of medicine as alone or in combination with other herbs. Gooseberries possess cardio, nephro, gastro, neuro protective and anti-cancer properties along with anti-inflammatory, chemo preventive, and free radical scavenging, anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic activities. These properties help in the prevention and treatment of various diseases like liver & heart diseases, arthrosclerosis, diabetes, cancer and other various disorders. Anti – ageing properties present in amla makes it the best drug which can be used as a rejuvenator.
Traditional Uses of Gooseberries
• For Diabetes
Daily intake of juice & pulp of Gooseberry along with honey alleviates diabetes. It can be taken along with fresh Turmeric juice also.
• For Fever
Juice of Amla fruits along with ghee alleviates fever.
• For Vaginitis
Regular intake of amla juice mixed with sugar relieves burning sensation in Vagina.
• For Menorrhagia and Leucorrhoea
Seed powder of Gooseberries when mixed with honey and sugar and taken regularly will cure the overlying condition.
• Eye disorders
Gooseberries if taken along with honey regularly will preserve the eye sight and reduces the intra ocular pressure.
• Respiratory disorders
Taking gooseberry powder which is cooked in milk and added with ghee is beneficial in cough.
• Hair fall & Dandruff Issues
Dry amla fruits which had been soaked in milk for one night and is made into a paste and can be applied in scalp. After 10 – 15 minutes it can be washed off (not advisable in winter, as it can cause cold and sinusitis like complaints )