Within one year of the outbreak, COVID -19 has become a familiar name in every household. The Global pandemic has literally shaken the global society and economy. While vaccination process is ongoing, second wave of COVID -19 has hit the world in a more devastating manner. The first wave of COVID -19 presented mostly with the symptoms like sore throat, cough, loss of taste, loss of smell, fever but in the second wave many more symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, hearing impairment, vomiting, diarrhea, predominant oral and skin rashes are noticed. Other notable symptoms increasingly seen in COVID patients include joint pain, gastrointestinal complications, conjunctivitis, weakness and loss of appetite.
The recent reports of ICMR the second wave have some Peculiar features. Higher proportion of asymptomatic individuals are observed in the second wave. Among the admitted patient’s oxygen demand is also high.
The symptoms are not elaborated to create panic, instead if the common people are aware about the symptoms it will help in better management and better reporting of the new cases.
Ayurveda has been successfully used from the time of first outbreak. Ministry of AYUSH has published a protocol for managing COVID cases. Along with that many states have their customized protocols. Ayurveda can act effectively in prevention, treatment and management of post COVID symptoms.
Prevention is the most effective way to stop the high rate of infection spreading. Preventive strategies for COVID 19 can broadly be categorized as Ahara, Nidra and Vihara.
Ahara(food): Light and Wholesome food at the correct time is very essential to maintain the health and boost up the immune system. The fluid solid balance of the food should be well maintained. Local cuisines as per the season is usually beneficial in maintaining digestive health. Ayurveda mentions about a set of food items, which if daily consumed, will result in healthy body. They include shashtika sali (a variety of rice which matures in 60 days) gooseberry, rock gooseberry, rock gram. jangala mamsa (meat of animals in dry land forests). These should be used as per availability and season.
Nidra(sleep): Adequate and timely sleep is the key for healthy body. In the time of pandemic sleep plays a crucial role in determining the immunity. Work-related stress and horrifying news related to COVID can exponentially increase the stress. Increased stress has an adverse impact on sleep quality. Sticking to a specific time for bed will help to regulate the quality of the sleep. Pranayama and deep breathing techniques will regulate the air flow to the lungs and in turn result in better circulation to the brain. Meditating for 10-15 minutes just before going to bed will help in reducing the anxiety and provide good sleep. taking a light dinner and listening to sleep inducing ragas like Neelambari, Kalyani are also beneficial.
Vihara: Vihara means all physical and mental activities. Every action or thought we have in a day have an impact on the mind and body. Due to the pandemic, most of the people suffer from isolation or restricted social movement. Less interaction with the society or the surroundings will lead to generate more stress and the feeling of depression. On the positive side it will also give us a chance to stay away from toxic relations and learn new methods of social networking. The social isolation gives an excellent opportunity to brush up our hobbies we lost and strengthen self-care.
Ayurvedic daily regimen like Nasya (nasal instillation of medicine), Gandusha (oil pulling), Gargling etc. can be practices safely at home. reach out to your nearest Ayurvedic practitioner. They have much to offer. Adequate exercise is also vital.
Management of COVID
Ayurvedic treatment modalities are widely used in India for the management of COVID. The principles of Jwara chikitsa and swasa chikitsa are incorporated accordingly. The medicines like vilwadi tablet, Sudarshana tablet, Indukantham Kashaya, Nagardi Kashaya, Agasthyarasayanam are being found effective in treating the symptoms. Researches shows AYUSH64 is found effective in treating asymptomatic, mild and moderate COVID cases. These medicines should be used as per the advice of a registered medical practitioner.
Testing COVID negative for an infected person is not the end of COVID management. Ayurveda aims at regaining a person’s physical and mental health post COVID infection. A Two-fold approach is proposed
Restoration of mental health
The isolation and fear during the time of the Two-fold from the society, financial constrains all this causes mental trauma to the affected persons. The foremost thing is to reach out, listen and reassure. A feeling that somebody will understand their agonies itself have shown tremendous improvement in the mental health. That positive changes will act as a catalyst for improving physical health.
Restoration of Physical Health
The treatment principle of vyadhi ksheenitha (persons weakened due to diseases) is applied in post COVID management. Abhyanga, sweda, dhara etc. can be used as per patient’s strength and need. Rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenation therapy) is also a choice. The suitable Rasayana is chosen as per patient’s strength.
Scope of Ayurveda and administrative support
Ayurveda is one among the few medical science which gives equal importance to preservation of health for a healthy individuals and treatment of diseases in the ill. But Ayurvedic preventive methods are not yet effectively communicated to the common man. The pandemic has paved a way to reach out to community level in a significant manner. Adequate systemic support will determine the reach. For instance, Kerala, a better performer in COVID management introduced a multitude of programmes to effectively implement the Ayurveda services.
‘Swasthyam’-Non-drug-preventive intervention for the persons below 60 years
‘Sukhayushyam’-Preventive intervention for persons above 60 years
‘Amritham’-Quarrentine and isolation care with medicines
‘Bheshajam’-Treatment protocol for COVID positive patients
‘Punarjani’-Comprehensive plans for Post COVID management
‘Ayur Help Call Center’- Comprehensive Ayurvedic support
Apt administrative support and effective collaboration will produce excellent results in reaching out Ayurveda services to the common people and in the long run will build a robust system. Thus, the scope and benefits of this life science will be reached to the needy resulting in a healthy world.