An article on importance of breast feeding week 1st August – 8th August Breastfeeding is a beautiful connection of mother’s pleasure and infant’s privilege. Stana (Breast) is also termed as pranayatana (where prana resides) as it is the store of nectar for baby. Nature has designed the breast nearer to heart at the site of anaahat chakra which connects the mother and baby emotionally. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. It commemorates the Innocenti Declaration signed in August 1990 by government policymakers,…
Women’s Health encompasses many different issues during the different stages of her life. Every woman goes through a series of profound physiological, anatomical, and psychological changes during menarche, the reproductive period, pregnancy, menopause, and post-menopause. As per Ayurveda good health is defined as an “approach that restores & balances Vata, Pitta & Kapha”. Vitiation of these doshas disturbs body rhythm results in disease and problems. By knowing one’s own Prakriti (true nature), one can plan and practice an appropriate daily and seasonal dietetic and behavioural regime. With this simple effort, the body will maintain the balance of the doshas (vata,…
Common Thyroid Related Disorders Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland situated in front of neck with two lobes lies on either sides of trachea. In Ayurveda, the thyroid is located near Vishuddhi Chakra (in the throat area) with a predominance of Pitta and Kapha Dosha. Thyroid is the center of Agni, and its functions are to stimulate psychic and somatic growth, secrete hormones, and balance metabolism. T3, T4, and other hormones of thyroid are functionally representing dhathvagni in our body. Common Thyroid Disorders Any sort of dysfunction in the normal functioning of thyroid results in thyroid disorders. To…